Journalism 101 fail: NYT article lets Republicans lie and attack, but can’t find Democrat to respond

What the hell is going on at The New York Times? This question has arisen far too often in the past few years, most recently last week after James Bennet, the paper’s now-former editorial page editor, pitched and then published—without reading it first, allegedly—a fascist op-ed by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas. They were rightly reamed for it, with their own 2020 Pulitzer Prize winner and "The 1619 Project" creator Nikole Hannah-Jones leading the way, saying, “As a black woman, as a journalist, as an American, I am deeply ashamed that we ran this.".

So that was a poor decision by the opinion department, but surely the folks in the Times’ news department are doing their level best and practicing solid journalism, right? They’ve learned the hard and necessary lessons from the absurdly irresponsible, obsessive way they covered “her emails” in 2016, while downplaying investigations and actual wrongdoing by The Man Who Ended Up Losing The Popular Vote, right?

Well, from what I saw in a recent Sunday edition, not so much.

Like so many New York stories, we must begin in Central Park. I was sitting on the Great Lawn—appropriately distanced from a few friends, of course—and reading the Sunday Times news section when I started muttering. Then I humphed. Then I just slapped the newspaper with the back of my hand and said, “Sorry to interrupt, guys, but you gotta hear this.”

The article that prompted my outburst was one that I initially figured would be pretty dull. “Trump Wanted a Pre-Virus Convention Crowd, or None At All,” was the print headline (it’s slightly different online). The piece focused on Trump’s threat to move the Republican National Convention from Charlotte, North Carolina (we now know that most of the convention activities, including the nomination acceptance speech, will take place in Jacksonville, Florida). The story focused on the impeached president’s dismay with the Tar Heel State’s Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, who wouldn’t guarantee that Republicans could pack people together on the convention floor and party like it was 2019.

The article’s first quote came from Ada Fisher, a national committeewoman for North Carolina’s Republican Party. Unsurprisingly, she blamed Democrats. “There are a lot of liberal, establishment people here who just don’t like the Republican Party. People didn’t want it to happen just because Republicans were involved. But Charlotte can’t stand to lose $200 million in revenue right now.” Standard Republican boilerplate: The Democrats are a bunch of meanies. She even managed to work in both “liberal” and “establishment” as slurs. Well played, Ms. Fisher.

The next quote was from Orange Julius Caesar himself, who’d informed Cooper how stupendously North Carolina had been treated by the White House; he’d sent lots of tests and ventilators, see, as well as the National Guard. “I think we’ve done a good job!” and “We gave you a lot!” and more of the same. About what you’d expect from Trump.

Republican National Committee chair Ronna (don’t call me Romney) McDaniel’s letter to the convention’s host committee was next; essentially, she blamed the Democrats. If you’re wondering if, at any point in this journey so far, the Times offered any response from North Carolina Democrats, you already know the answer to that.

Two more Republicans weighed in before the final quotes came from the Republican state chair from Connecticut, J.R. Romano, who criticized Gov. Cooper’s supposedly over-aggressive requirements regarding wearing masks and social distancing: “We’re adults,” Romano said. “We all know the risks. If someone wants to wear a face mask, they can. If someone doesn’t, they’re taking a risk. I don’t think they had to make this mandatory.”

It is worth noting that Thursday was the fourth day in a row that coronavirus hospitalizations in North Carolina hit a new high.

I couldn’t believe that Romano’s nonsense was the end of the article. I kept waiting for the pushback, a quote from Cooper, or one his aides or allies, about the need to be careful because of the virus, or how decisions on the convention would be governed by science, or how they’d have to see how the outbreak looks in the coming weeks, or that they’d love to host the Republicans, but social distancing rules will still probably be necessary. Anything along those lines would’ve worked. Anything.

Could the authors really not find a Democrat in the entire state or country to go on record here? How did they submit this piece without making sure they at least found one? Did they even notice the imbalance? Where were their editors? There are multiple layers of editorial oversight, one would imagine, for an article on national politics that runs in the main print section of the Sunday New York Times. Did nobody ask, “Hey, can you find a quote from a frickin’ Democrat?” I’ve never worked as an editor at the Gray Lady, but that question came to mind before I was halfway through the piece.

The article did summarize the respective positions of Cooper and Trump, as well as their conversations, yet only Trump and Republicans were given space to defend their positions. Republicans’ assertions about the motivations of North Carolina Democrats also went unchallenged by the authors, other than a brief mention—far from any Republican statements—that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended mask-wearing and social distancing.

The article was written by Annie Karni and Maggie Haberman. While Karni has not faced significant criticism over her work in the past, Haberman has been called out before for pro-Trump, pro-Republican reporting. Trump has also attacked Haberman, but given that he has attacked the entire journalism profession, such attacks are a badge of honor and don’t mean anyone’s actually been unfair to him or his administration. Haberman’s critics maintain the opposite.

In May 2019, Haberman wrote an article for the Times about Hope Hicks, who had left her position as White House communications director a year earlier, then received a subpoena to testify before the House regarding her former boss and obstruction of justice (remember the Mueller report?). Haberman’s article explored whether Hicks would, you know, actually comply with the law. Yet some folks were concerned that the decision to commit a crime was framed, by Haberman, as “an existential question.”

What gets me is news breaks that this woman is weighing committing a crime before Congress &it�s getting framed by the NYT as some Lifetime drama called �Hope�s Choice.� This is a fmr admin official considering participating in a coverup led by the President. Treat her equally.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 26, 2019

Anyway: Here's a dare for @maggieNYT, since she wants to write about what happens when women defy a subpoena. Write a similar story about @xychelsea, who is in jail for defying a subpoena.

— emptywheel (@emptywheel) May 26, 2019

There is nothing for Hope Hicks to �decide.� She got a subpoena from Congress. Were she not white, wealthy, and connected, we wouldn�t be having this conversation. She would appear, or she would face the threat of prison like the rest of us. As she should.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) May 26, 2019

One Vanity Fair headline referred to Haberman as a “Trump Whisperer,” citing her “closeness—and fairness—to the president.” Fairness is a subjective term, but I have a hard time seeing it as fair to Roy Cooper or North Carolina Democrats that Haberman and Karni’s article quoted five angry Republicans, but not one Democrat.

Beyond the problems with Haberman’s reporting specifically, one of the biggest problems with the so-called mainstream media writ large is something called “bothsidesism,” also known as false equivalency. Bothsidesism occurs when reporters cover an issue simply by presenting the opposing views of Democrats and Republicans as equivalent, irrespective of which side is telling the truth.

Laila Lalami, writing in in The Nation, describes bothsidesism as when journalists “give space to both sides of any story, no matter what the facts show, leaving them open to manipulation by surrogates acting in bad faith and, more worrying, making it harder for ordinary citizens to remain informed and engaged.” Nancy LeTourneau, writing for Washington Monthly, notes that “For those of us who are trying to keep the door to being open-minded cracked at least a little bit, this both-siderism has a kind of gaslighting effect. You begin to question whether what you are witnessing with your own two eyes is real.”

At the Columbia Journalism Review, Jon Allsop went in-depth on bothsidesism and the Times during the impeachment of Donald Trump.

As impeachment has progressed, attacks on the “both sides” approach—and the Times, in particular—have intensified. Over the weekend, critics trained their ire on an article in the paper, headlined “The Breach Widens as Congress Nears a Partisan Impeachment,” about a debate in the Judiciary Committee. Nate Silver, of FiveThirtyEight, noted that the actual words “both sides” appeared four times in the piece. (One of these was in a quotation.) Jay Rosen, a journalism professor at NYU, listed 12 more snippets from the article as evidence of the Times’s inability to handle what he calls “asymmetrical polarization.” They included “the different impeachment realities that the two parties are living in,” “both sides engaged in a kind of mutually assured destruction,” and “the two parties could not even agree on a basic set of facts in front of them.”

Rosen is right that this sort of language is inadequate: Democrats, for the most part, are engaging with the factual record; Republicans, for the most part, are not. These positions are manifestly not equivalent. Treating them as such does not serve any useful concept of fairness; instead, it rebounds clearly to the advantage of the one side (Republicans) for whom nonsense being taken seriously is a victory in itself. The Times is far from the only culprit.

The Times also blew it when covering Trump’s remarks after back-to-back mass shootings in August 2019—one of which was carried out by a racist who specifically targeted Latinx Americans. The initial headline—in all caps (something done relatively rarely, as it indicates special importance)—read “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, among many others, pushed back hard on that framing.

Lives literally depend on you doing better, NYT. Please do.

— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) August 6, 2019

After facing a lot of heat, the headline was changed to “ASSAILING HATE BUT NOT GUNS.” A spokesperson for the Times admitted that “The headline was bad and has been changed for the second edition.” Executive editor Dean Baquet also called it a “bad headline.” The final headline, at least online, reads: “Trump Condemns White Supremacy but Stops Short of Major Gun Controls.” The Confederacy’s Biggest Fan, of course, still liked the original headline best, calling it “the correct description” of what he’d said.

What mattered, in the context of the mass shootings, was that Trump had declared a refusal to support any significant new gun control measures, such as universal background checks, or bans on high capacity ammunition magazines. However, the Times’  first instinct was to praise Trump as an anti-racist unifier. Let that choice sink in.

It’s bad enough when reporters at mainstream media outlets are so afraid of being accused of showing “liberal bias” that they engage in bothsidesism and false equivalency. Regarding the Sunday Times article about the RNC, presenting both sides would have been an improvement, as the authors literally only gave us one side of a political story in which Democrats and Republicans disagreed. Yet what the article on the battle over the RNC convention shares with other New York Times pieces that are guilty of bothsidesism is the willingness to bend over backward to help Republicans. And they call that paper the liberal media.

There are no quick fixes here for The Times. As for constructive criticism, journalists at The Times could do a lot worse than to listen to the aforementioned Professor Rosen. Rosen diagnosed the crux of the paper’s problem a couple of years ago (and is as good a media critic as there is), in a long analysis that’s worth reading. One quote in particular hits the nail on the head.

“Remember when the Washington Post came out with its new motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness?” It put Post journalism on the side of keeping democracy alive. Dean Baquet, executive editor of the Times, made fun of it. ‘Sounds like the next Batman movie,’ he said.”

You know what they say about the fish rotting from the head down? Perhaps the entire staff, top to bottom, could undergo the kind of training they did at The Telegraph (UK), which Rosen also cited as a way to help mainstream media journalists unlearn some of their worst habits.

To paraphrase Ted “Theodore” Logan, strange things are afoot at The New York Times, and not at all in the cool, “I just met George Carlin outside the Circle K” kind of way. In all seriousness, what The Times did here is reflective of what’s been going on for generations. In 1969, Vice President Spiro Agnew drew up the playbook for Republican liars attacking the media in order to intimidate them into providing more favorable coverage; the Koch brothers have kept that tradition alive. In sports, this is called “working the refs,” and Paul Krugman rightly applied the term to the imbalance in how the media covered Trump as compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

To the detriment of American politics, the American people, and our democracy, we’ve had four more years of this media malpractice since then. If mainstream media outlets keep this up, and we end up with four more of Trump as a result, there may not be much of a free media left to cover his second term. It’s on all of us to do our part between now and November to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Ian Reifowitz is the author of  The Tribalization of Politics: How Rush Limbaugh's Race-Baiting Rhetoric on the Obama Presidency Paved the Way for Trump (Foreword by Markos Moulitsas)

Democrats Have Forgotten About Social Distancing…When It Comes To Rioters

James Woods, the famed actor and conservative activist, has an interesting point when it comes to public health and rioting.

For all to see on nationwide cable news, looters, arsonists, and vandals seem to be casting aside any notion of coronavirus social distancing with nary an unkind word from Democrats who only a week ago were imposing draconian measures on average American citizens if they dared to not maintain a six-foot perimeter around themselves.

Democrat governors in states such as Kansas and Kentucky (and other Democrats as well) threatened severe penalties against those who tried to go to church, or even visit loved ones, if social distancing was at risk. But today, when up close and personal material carnage and urban mayhem coincide with their anti-American agenda, the Democrat social distancing edicts are as dead as yesterday’s polling data. Presently it’s a free for all on the streets, as rioters stand COVID-ignoring arm to arm in opposing law enforcement personnel who are trying to stop them from burning down large swaths of American cities.

One wonders if social distancing, and other virus regulations, wasn’t just the latest in a line of moves to be conveniently discarded when the need no longer suited the Democrat playbook. This process started almost on the very day Donald Trump was elected president.

First he was an illegitimate president put into office by the Russians. That didn’t work. Then they made that fantasy official with the Mueller probe. Sorry, no banana. Then as soon as that went bust the narrative turned effortlessly to impeachment. They lost that too. Almost the week after the Senate vote that exonerated Trump in January, coronavirus, and its subsequent grabs for state power by various Democrat governors, came into play.

Now as the American people start to ignore virus protocols and go back to business (what’s left of it) and their lives, suddenly (as if on cue) the George Floyd riots appear on the streets of many American cities. The bridges between these attacks on the president and America seem virtually seamless.

Are we alleging a conspiracy? Hardly. The more likely explanation is opportunistic exploitation, good timing, and funding and training already in place to take advantage of probable events. Ask yourself: How many incidents of police brutality happen on a regular basis? It’s not that the police are mindless animals—far from it.

But in any organization there will be moral stragglers. Given the many scores of thousands of law enforcement personnel throughout the nation, some are bound to be bad apples who will act on their brutal instincts. When they do so, as in the Minneapolis case of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, and it doesn’t meet the proper political criterion, the case is ignored. However, when the casting fits the wolves pounce.

There are other interesting clues as well. Professionally-made signs appearing at the riots in mere hours after the Floyd killing, bricks apparently prepositioned in urban locales for the use of rioters, tactical operators ready to dispense cash and on-the-scene direction immediately in evidence and effective at their jobs, and a media narrative that switched from a pandemic that was going to kill us all (hence the need for nanny state regulations), to a virus wiped off the headlines with almost preplanned ease.

Yes, it surely seems like a deep dark NWO/deep state/Atomic Mole People gambit to corrupt our precious bodily fluids. But it’s not. It is the tactical and opportunistic expertise of a cunning enemy and their media acolytes. Next time —and there will be a next time— perhaps we can be proactive instead of constantly reactive.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 2, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
Charlotte Police Department reveals 70% of rioters they’ve arrested are ‘instigators’ from out of state
Obama breaks his silence on George Floyd’s death: ‘Bigotry’ is ‘painfully, maddeningly normal’ in USA
Chilling footage shows Portland mob beat up unconscious man: ‘Black lives matter, f*ggot’

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Rush Limbaugh Warns America ‘Headed To Great Depression’ With ‘Democrats Fully On Board’

On Thursday, conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh warned his listeners that the country is headed for another Great Depression if the economy contracts any more due to the COVID-19 crisis shutdowns.

Another Great Depression?

“All we need is a 30 to 40% contraction in this economy,” Limbaugh said. “We’ll hit Great Recession territory first and then depression, if this doesn’t stop… and the idea that there are people advocating for this!”


RELATED: Chris Cuomo Curses At Trump Because The President Wants To Give People Hope During Pandemic

Rush said this trend toward depression could be reversed, but that “there are forces arrayed against doing that.”

“We know who they are,” Limbaugh said. “We know exactly. We know they’re all Democrats. We know they are some in the health and medical community. The Drive-By Media, the media, and the Democrats are fully on board with the Democrat agenda here … They are hoping that coronavirus accomplishes what Robert Mueller and impeachment, Adam Schiff failed to do.”

Rush said Americans are “doing this to ourselves – and it’s amazing how quickly!”

“Three years to revive an economy, create roaring circumstances,” Limbaugh continued. “It took less than two months to wipe it all out. Twenty-two million people filing for unemployment compensation — 22 million — and the idea that there is not an angry outcry from all over the world that this must stop?
That outcry had better happen, because this…”


‘We could fix at the snap of our fingers’

“We’re beyond now saying this is unsustainable,” Rush warned. “This is untenable! This is cataclysmic! We’re in the midst of a self-created disaster that we could fix (snap, snap, snap) at the snap of our fingers.”

“How in the world can anybody sane want to keep this economy shut down?” Limbaugh asked. “How can anybody sane be anything less than scared and outraged and mortified that 22 million people have been thrown out of work over something that may end up killing fewer than 50,000 people? It is unprecedented! And yet there are people who want to maintain the circumstances we are in. And it boggles the mind.”


RELATED: Rush Limbaugh: ‘Pelosi Invokes Her Catholicism on Everything but Abortion’

‘We cannot go on!’

“It is so counterintuitive to Americanism,” Limbaugh insisted. “We cannot go on!… I can’t believe it has gone on this long! I can’t believe… In one way, I can’t believe the American people haven’t arisen in outrage over this yet.”

In February, Limbaugh was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union address by President Donald Trump.

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President Trump Plays Video To Reporters Showing The Media Downplaying Coronavirus

President Trump turned the tables on the media Monday, showing a video montage of numerous times that they downplayed his concerns over the coronavirus crisis.

The President, weary of hearing the media falsely accuse him of not taking the threat of the pandemic seriously, blindsided reporters with the video.

It was a masterful move. Trump at his best, stealing the narrative from biased reporters and pointing a spotlight on their lies and half-truths.

Media Put To Shame

The video featured several instances in which mainstream media outlets and anti-Trump reporters scoffed at both the severity of the virus and the President’s actions in trying to protect the American people.

And now, they pretend as if they knew all along how bad things were going to get, sanctimoniously pointing accusatory fingers at the President for having blood on his hands.

Well, Trump wasn’t having it this time. And reporters got a heavy dose of shame at the press conference.

RELATED: CNN Panelist To Trump Voters: Now You’re Loved Ones Can Die

Media Downplayed COVID-19

The Washington Post said the flu is “much bigger threat than coronavirus.”

The New York Times claimed that fear “spreads faster than the coronavirus itself.”

CNN declared that “racist assaults and ignorant attacks against Asians” were spreading faster than the pandemic.

But it was President Trump – allegedly – who didn’t take things seriously?

“None of these people cared about you,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson complained. “They didn’t care about protecting public health, or sharing accurate information. They cared about being virtuous.”

“They put their wokeness above your life as they always do.”

RELATED: Chris Cuomo Goes On Shocking Rant, Blasts CNN Gig As ‘Trafficking In The Ridiculous’

Tried to Spin

Journos at the press conference did their best to take the focus off their own failures, accusing the President of having a meltdown.

They honestly don’t stand a chance. Their lies, numerous as they are, are on record for everybody to see. Trump pointing out those lies is not a meltdown – it’s the only way to get the truth out.

While the media was doing nothing other than covering impeachment for months, President Trump was setting up a coronavirus task force, ordering more testing and ventilators, restricting travel from countries known to be battling the virus, and declaring a national emergency.

On February 11th, Ron Klain, a top adviser to Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, said the administration’s actions were “far from doing nothing.”

Senator Lindsey Graham said it best, noting that “most Democrats and the media were more worried about impeaching President [Trump]
than coronavirus.”

Glad to see they finally woke up. But the adults in the room were already handling the crisis, limiting lives lost and protecting the American people.

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The Country Should Be Pulling Together Right Now – But Then Again, We Have Democrats And The Media

The radical press and Nancy Pelosi are both complicit in lying to the American people with their misleading statements and actions that are not related to President Trump in any way.


If the ignorant press would look into who is directly (not indirectly) responsible for the safety of the American people, it is the state governors who are on the front lines. Trump can only provide national support, like restricting flights, releasing the military, and forcing the production of needed supplies.

MORE NEWS: Gingrich: Coronavirus Pandemic Is ‘A Global Problem Caused By The Chinese’

The governors are those who direct what their state’s people are to do and how to do it. I am tired of everything being blamed on Trump when it is not up to the President to make those decisions. Did Trump delay action in New York City on telling people not to congregate in groups? No, it was the city’s health commissioner advising just the opposite and Mayor Bill de Blasio not making any directives until well after it was a huge problem. That was not Trump’s fault.


Let’s look back at everyone’s comments three or four weeks ago. Democrats did not want Trump to ban travel from China. Do I “blame” them for that? No. They did not have ESP. However, for them to turn around and expect the President or any politician to have the same ESP they didn’t have is disingenuous. Anyone who does not rally behind the President who represents our country at this time of crisis is not patriotic. Quit criticizing and taking political shots. It shows ignorance, hatred, and a lack of patriotism.

The Democrats in Congress and the Senate, along with their friends in the media, need to be held accountable for disregarding the safety of our country for the last three years, to set up the Russia collusion hoax, the Ukraine impeachment hoax and any little thing to stop the progress of fixing this country after Barack Obama. They interrupted any and all activities in Washington, just to reverse the 2016 elections.

MORE NEWS: President Trump Has Done The Right Things To Combat Coronavirus From Day One


People were dying while Pelosi was messing around with impeachment. People were dying while Pelosi was sneaking in funding for the Kennedy Center and other projects unrelated to these same people she talks about. She only needs to look at herself to see who is fiddling.

As more people become ill, each country’s health care systems will be pushed to the brink to treat an increasing number of patients. Under President Trump’s leadership, the United States is helping its citizens and small businesses with a $2 trillion rescue package. Our President also made the right call by shutting down all passenger air traffic with China and Europe, and fast-tracking desperately needed medical equipment and supplies to critical hotspots like New York. He has the right team in place to see us through this crisis.


The only way Mr. Trump, or any other heads of state, could have reacted better would have required them to be able to predict the unpredictable, to be prepared for the unpreparable. This is a WORLDWIDE pandemic. The spread in our country was unavoidable. We were under attack before we knew there was an attack before we knew what the enemy was. 20/20 hindsight and arguing about would have, could have, should have is not constructive. The only way to defeat this enemy is for EVERYONE to do their part and stay focused on that victory. The safety of others depends on YOU.

MORE NEWS: It’s Time To Remove Pelosi From Congress So This Country Can Move Forward

I can only speak for myself, but nobody is wholly prepared for something like this to happen. Frankly, I think Trump has done an excellent job of trying to minimize the fear-mongering the media has put out there. It’s not up to the government to save people; it’s mostly up to the people themselves.

They say you tell a lot about a person by how they behave during a crisis. How will Pelosi and the MSM be remembered after we get through this one? Just remember when a liberal blames somebody else, it is the liberal who is more guilty of that thing. Recommendations:



The post The Country Should Be Pulling Together Right Now – But Then Again, We Have Democrats And The Media appeared first on The Political Insider.

Republicans are trying to get people killed (and are being stunningly effective)

The situation in Italy is spiraling out of control, with infections and deaths spiking by the hour. 

BREAKING: Another HUGE increase in #CoronaVirus infections in Italy �� 3 590 infected and 368 dead today alone. - 24 747 infected. - 1 809 dead. - 7.3% death rate. This is a human tragedy �

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) March 15, 2020

The United States is on track to emulate Italy, both in the reach and severity of the human and economic toll. One party is doing its best to save lives. Unfortunately, it’s not the party in control of the White House, Senate, or wide swaths of the media. And those Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response are dismayingly effective. Let us count the ways. 

Impeached President Donald Trump

From disbanding the White House pandemic preparedness task force to refusing to let the U.S. use the World Health Organization COVID-19 test, to his daily lies, it’s obvious that the rot starts at the very top. What did people think was going to happen when they put a bigoted, serial sexual harasser reality TV star in charge of the country? Those who vote on racial animus and misogyny are getting a daily reminder of what that costs our country. And ironically, or perhaps not so much so, they are the ones who will bear the brunt of the coming pandemic. 

Meanwhile, Trump continues to model poor behavior; he shows on a daily basis that he is the single biggest impediment to the kind of national behavioral changes we need to see to arrest this disease with the least amount of damage possible.

Trump has decided the entire coronavirus mess is a dastardly plot to deny him a second term. He is incapable of considering the human toll of the disease, or the economic ramifications to everyday Americans. He’s concerned only about how it affects his reelection. And again, his acolytes take their cues from the top, such as the Trish Regan abomination that adorns the top of this post. 

Regan did end up losing her prime time show over that segment, showing that at least someone at Fox corporate realizes that killing off their core demographic (their median age is 65). But she’s not the only pushing the theory that this is all one big political ploy to damage Trump. Trump’s very own outgoing chief of staff has been making that case for weeks. “The press was covering their hoax of the day because they thought it would bring down the president,” Mulvaney told attendees at the conservative CPAC conference, at the same time the disease was spreading among its attendees. “The reason you’re seeing so much attention to [the coronavirus] today is that they think this is going to be what brings down the president. That’s what this is all about.” 

And of course, let’s not forget Trump: 

�They�re trying to scare everybody, from meetings, cancel the meetings, close the schools � you know, destroy the country. And that�s ok, as long as we can win the election,� POTUS told guests at Mar-a-Lago last weekend.

— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) March 15, 2020

He literally says it’s okay if the country is destroyed as long as he wins reelection. He doesn't give a shit about the economic or human toll of the pandemic and will act only to safeguard his electoral effort. And that’s why we don’t have testing. He thinks a higher number of confirmed cases makes him look bad. 

President Trump "did not push to do aggressive additional testing in recent weeks [because] more testing might have led to more cases being discovered of coronavirus outbreak, and the president had made clear the lower the numbers on coronavirus, the better for the president"

— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) March 12, 2020

We all knew this. Even Republicans knew this when they acquitted him during the impeachment trial. Yet they didn’t care. So they own this: Every death, every job lost. It’s all on them. 

The Trump executive branch

Donald Trump had white nationalist Stephen Miller and idiot-boy Jared Kushner whip up a random-ass “I’m doing stuff” speech just hours before airing, with little regard to any consequences their spur-of-the-moment “proposals” would create. Among them, a complete ban on all travel and commerce between the United States and Europe that single-handedly almost completely crashed the US economy. Embarrassingly, the administration had to walk that back—no, it didn't apply to the cargo. And no, it didn’t apply to Americans. (So … what’s the point? Americans have super awesome immunity powers?) Yet in the panic that situation created, Americans rushed back home and … created these kinds of scenes at US customs points of entry:

#BREAKING: Passengers stuck in long lines for immigration at @DFWAirport tell us there are no offers of hand sanitizer, gloves, or masks from U.S. Customs / Immigration. Travelers say they�ve had no screenings of temp yet and no one following #coronavirus protocols.

— Jason Whitely (@JasonWhitely) March 15, 2020

By supposedly acting to prevent the disease from entering the United States (even though, um, it’s already here), those morons in the executive branch didn’t think “maybe we should bolster staffing at customs checkpoints. Maybe we should create a plan to space out people, so we wouldn’t create the Petri dish we’re supposedly trying to prevent.” 


It is in precisely older, rural counties that hospitals are being closed in record numbers. “The hospital closure crisis is most pronounced in states that have declined Medicaid expansion, the policy in the Affordable Care Act that offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line,” reported Mother Jones. “Of the 106 rural hospitals that have shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that hadn’t expanded Medicaid, the study found.” In their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, those older rural areas are losing exactly the one thing that saves the lives of the elderly and those with compromised immune systems once infected—hospital beds. 

This novel coronavirus is treatable as long as severely impacted patients can be hooked up to respirators. But given available hospital beds, that becomes impossible once a critical mass of patients is infected, they outstrip the supply of hospital beds, and they are then left to die, gasping for air. That’s why the Italian death toll has climbed so high, with doctors having to perform battlefield-style triage—is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? Even patients who survive initial triage may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. It is beyond nightmarish. 

And you know what? The United States has fewer hospital beds, per thousand people, than even Italy

    South Korea: 12.3

    China: 4.3

    Italy: 3.2

    United States: 2.8

South Korea has handled the virus better than anyone else, and guess what, having hospital beds is part of the answer. Meanwhile, thanks to conservative hostility to the Affordable Care Act and its fealty to a for-profit health care system, our number of beds has fallen between 2010 and 2017, despite the population having grown by 16 million in that time frame. 

Republican elected officials

The Democratic House passed a coronavirus response bill on Friday. Republican Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went on vacation over the weekend, adjourning the Senate as a result. He doesn’t plan on checking on that House bill until Tuesday, lunch, at the earliest, even though Trump has signaled that he will sign it. 

They just don’t give a shit. 

Here’s Oklahoma’s Republican governor Kevin Stitt, Friday night, in a now-deleted tweet: 

Of course, it stands to follow that if Trump doesn’t think this is a big deal, then those who blindly follow him will shrug off any attempts to contain the virus, or “flatten the curve.” Flattening the curve is slowing the rate of transmission so that people don’t get sick all at once. The more you can spread it out, the less stress on those limited hospital beds. 

Trump’s favorite bootlicker, Rep. Devin Nunes, went on Fox to tell viewers to go out on the town. “One of the things you can do, if you're healthy you and your family, it's a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant,” he said, dooming who knows how many people to death. “Likely you can get in easily. There's, you know, let's not hurt the working people in this country that are relying on wages and tips to keep their small business going. [...] Go to your local pub.”

In Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Republicans are refusing to postpone an election even though the state’s Democratic governor has ordered a statewide lockdown. 

Conservative media

It’s no surprise that most of the irresponsible dismissing of COVID-19 featured above is happening on Fox News. The network has prostrated itself before Trump, effectively becoming like a state-run propaganda arm. They won’t do anything to get on the wrong side of Trump. It’s a feature, not a bug. 

On Fox & Friends, Jerry Falwell Jr claims people are "overreacting" to coronavirus, the national response is "their next attempt to get Trump," and the virus itself is a North Korean bioweapon.

— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) March 13, 2020

Or how about this? 

But it obviously goes far beyond Fox News. Just two days ago, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show, “We’re shutting down our country because of the … cold virus.” The Christian Right and their media machinery are praying away the coronavirus. They’ve been so effective at dismissing the threat that even pastors who take this seriously are dismayed, “One pastor said half of his church is ready to lick the floor, to prove there’s no actual virus,” one pastor told The Washington Post. Alex Jones is selling fake coronavirus cures. Idiot #MAGA types on Twitter are having their own, er, fun.

How do #MAGA & #KAG folks have fun during a pandemic? Apparently some like licking airplane toilet seats in a SAD attempt to show the #coronavirus is a hoax. Perhaps to also prove they'll make good tRump supporters!#COVID19 Found at

— McSpockyâÂ�¢ ðÂ�Â�½ðÂ�Â�Â�ðÂ�Â�Â� #VoteBlue2020 (@mcspocky) March 15, 2020

If you’re sitting here wondering what the hell is wrong with these people, you’re not alone. Trapped in their conservative anti-science media bubble, they’re whipping themselves up into a fervor of denialism and frothy conspiracy theories. 

The results

The results are devastating. Republicans simply don’t believe that they should take COVID-19 seriously.

The coronavirus partisan divide is real. Twice as many Democrats (60%) are changing plans or taking precautions than Republicans (31%). 88% of Republicans are satisfied with the government's response. Among Democrats? 11%. Survey report @Civiqs 3/8-11:

— Drew Linzer (@DrewLinzer) March 14, 2020

And it’s even worse among Fox News viewers, only 9% of which are “extremely concerned” about the virus. These are the same people who live in mortal fear of an “illegal” coming and murdering them. The big difference? They will definitely end up knowing about someone who died of the novel coronavirus, while those mythical hordes of undocumented murderers only exist in the imagination of the network’s most bigoted hosts. (48% of MSNBC viewers are “extremely concerned,” which is still low. It should be 100%. But that network isn’t sowing misinformation.)

I used to joke that Republicans would come out in favor of cancer if President Barack Obama ever declared his opposition to it publicly. At least, it was supposed to be a joke. Now we find out that a global pandemic killing tens of thousands has become a partisan issue. Not because it is a partisan issue. There is nothing Republican or Democratic or liberal or conservative about a deadly disease. But because Trump’s botched handling of the pandemic makes him “look bad,” and there is no greater sin in the world than making Trump look bad. 

It might be funny or the material for easy partisan points, except people are dying, and a lot more will die before scientists find a vaccine. And while we could be making efforts to mitigate the carnage, both in human and economic terms, we have an entire half of the country’s divide refusing to accept our new reality and demanding we pretend all is well, nothing to see here, please carry on, preferably at your local pub or cruise ship. 

It’s staggeringly irresponsible. The final culmination of an ideology so divorced from reality, that it will literally kill, disproportionately, the older and rural people that form its base. And—this is legitimately ironic—it is liberals trying to save their lives. 

Not defending Hunter Biden, but Republicans are lying about him (of course)

Now that Joe Biden is headed toward the Democratic nomination for president, Republicans are reviving their efforts to smear him via his son, Hunter, and Hunter’s service on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Nothing untoward has ever been proved against Hunter, not even alleged (beyond generic) “corruption,” and the search for something untoward is all an effort to create this cycle’s version of “but her emails.” 

Key to the Republican argument is the notion that the younger Biden had no qualifications for the job. “When speaking with ABC News about his qualifications to be on Burisma's board, Hunter Biden didn't point to any of the usual qualifications of a board member," Donald Trump lawyer Pam Bondi said at his impeachment trial. "Hunter Biden had no experience in natural gas, no experience in the energy sector, no experience with Ukrainian regulatory affairs. As far as we know, he doesn't speak Ukrainian."

Trump being Trump, he’s whittled all that down to the claim that Hunter Biden was appointed to the board because he “didn’t have a job.” 

Since we’re going to be hearing about this nonstop for the next eight months (ugh), here’s the reality.

Hunter Biden is a graduate of Yale Law School, by far the best and most prestigious law school in the country (sorry, Harvard). Notes Trump fact-checker extraordinaire Daniel Dale, at the time that “Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of Burisma in 2014, he was a lawyer at the firm Boies Schiller Flexner, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's foreign service program, chairman of the board of World Food Program USA, and chief executive officer and chairman of Rosemont Seneca Advisors, an investment advisory firm. He also served on other boards.”

Boies Schiller Flexner was founded by David Boies, the same Boies who defeated Microsoft in an antitrust case, who represented Al Gore in the 2000 election recount, and who successfully challenged California’s ban on gay marriage. (Also, the firm represents Harvey Weinstein, and Boies himself represented fraudulent firm Theranos, so … I’m not saying it’s all happy unicorns—I’m just reinforcing that it’s not some backwater ambulance-chasing firm. These are powerful heavy hitters.)

His teaching gig in Georgetown’s foreign service program, which is focused on international development, shows that Hunter did have expertise and an active interest in international relations and development. That makes sense, because World Food Program USA is focused on ending global hunger (and is currently raising money for relief efforts among Syrian refugees).

Rosemont Seneca was co-founded by Christopher Heinz, son of Teresa Heinz (of ketchup fame) and stepson of John Kerry. There’s little information about the firm online, but it looks like a garden-variety hedge fund. No one has alleged anything shady about it yet. But what it does show is that Biden had connections to the world of high finance that would be of interest to any conglomerate looking to raise capital and expand into new markets. 

And by all indications, Hunter was an active member of the board of Rosemont Seneca, investigating possible expansion opportunities and connecting the company to legal and financial resources in the United States. 

Was he on the board, likely, because of his last name? Probably. Was it a stupid idea to join such a board while his father was vice president? Of course. But no less stupid than pretty much everything the Trump children have done since their father entered the White House. Still, ugh. It sure would’ve been nice to head into the general election with a candidate unencumbered by such baggage. 

We now get to spend the rest of the year playing the “both sides are corrupt” game, muddying the waters on an issue (corruption) we should own easily. But pretending that Hunter had zero qualifications for the job, or worse, had no job? It’s utter horseshit, and we should be very clear to call it out as such. 

Republicans are going to believe whatever they want to believe. That’s the power of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. If Trump says it’s okay to go to work even when infected with COVID-19? Okay then! Mission accomplished. All is well.

But we should fight and make sure the traditional media doesn’t repeat those claims as fact. Because, like pretty much everything else that comes out of Trump’s mouth, it’s utter horseshit. 

Sad! CNN Complains After Trump Blocks Them From Pre-SOTU Lunch

CNN is accusing President Trump of targeting the network by not inviting any of their reporters to an annual pre-State of the Union lunch.

Commentator Brian Stelter reports that three sources have confirmed the network is being excluded from the lunch.

“President Donald Trump’s targeting of CNN is moving to yet another arena: The annual presidential lunch with television network anchors,” Stelter complained.

The lunch gathering is considered off-the-record and journalists from most major news networks are typically invited to get a glimpse of the President’s mindset prior to the address to Congress.

RELATED: Former CNN Host Reza Aslan Asks If The World Would Be Better Off Without Rush Limbaugh

Here Come the Tears

Several mainstream media figures were outraged that the White House would dare not invite CNN to the proceedings.

The off-the-record proceedings. With reporters who are relentlessly anti-Trump.

Hard to imagine why the President wouldn’t want that circus surrounding him before a triumphant SOTU address as he nears acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial.

“Every news organization should stand by its peer CNN, stand up against Trump and stand for a free press and the first amendment by boycotting the impeached president’s lunch,” journalist Steven Beschloss demanded.

Likewise, CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins asked of her peers, “Why would any other anchor go to this?”

Well, because they don’t work for a fake news outlet would be my number one guess.

RELATED: Trump Cancels Traditional White House Christmas Party For the Press

Why the Sad Face CNN?

Interesting that CNN would be outraged over exclusion from the State of the Union lunch. Especially considering the network themselves boycotted the White House Christmas party in 2018.

Lo and behold, it was Stelter who gleefully announced it on social media at the time.

“[White House] is hosting a Christmas party for media,” Stelter relayed. “Lots of curiosity about who will [and] will not attend. CNN staffers will not.”

So brave, so stunning.

“In light of the President’s continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests,” a spokesperson for the far-left network said at the time.

So they complain when they boycott Trump, and they complain when Trump boycott’s them. Which is it? If you didn’t like the attacks before, what changed your mind to the point where you’re begging for an invite?

Quite frankly, the President isn’t about to let up on his attacks against CNN any time soon. Why? Because they have no intention of operating as an organization with integrity any time soon. He’s not obligated to invite anybody, let alone a second-rate outfit.

Anyone recall CNN’s outrage when Barack Obama booted reporters from conservative newspapers off of his airplane? Did they stand in solidarity with their colleagues then?

Spare us the crocodile tears now.

The post Sad! CNN Complains After Trump Blocks Them From Pre-SOTU Lunch appeared first on The Political Insider.