James Woods, the famed actor and conservative activist, has an interesting point when it comes to public health and rioting.
This much is certain after all this rioting: in two weeks we’re either going to have a shitload of sick Democrats, or we’re going to realize COVID-19 was not what Democrats said it was.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 1, 2020
For all to see on nationwide cable news, looters, arsonists, and vandals seem to be casting aside any notion of coronavirus social distancing with nary an unkind word from Democrats who only a week ago were imposing draconian measures on average American citizens if they dared to not maintain a six-foot perimeter around themselves.
Democrat governors in states such as Kansas and Kentucky (and other Democrats as well) threatened severe penalties against those who tried to go to church, or even visit loved ones, if social distancing was at risk. But today, when up close and personal material carnage and urban mayhem coincide with their anti-American agenda, the Democrat social distancing edicts are as dead as yesterday’s polling data. Presently it’s a free for all on the streets, as rioters stand COVID-ignoring arm to arm in opposing law enforcement personnel who are trying to stop them from burning down large swaths of American cities.
One wonders if social distancing, and other virus regulations, wasn’t just the latest in a line of moves to be conveniently discarded when the need no longer suited the Democrat playbook. This process started almost on the very day Donald Trump was elected president.
First he was an illegitimate president put into office by the Russians. That didn’t work. Then they made that fantasy official with the Mueller probe. Sorry, no banana. Then as soon as that went bust the narrative turned effortlessly to impeachment. They lost that too. Almost the week after the Senate vote that exonerated Trump in January, coronavirus, and its subsequent grabs for state power by various Democrat governors, came into play.
Now as the American people start to ignore virus protocols and go back to business (what’s left of it) and their lives, suddenly (as if on cue) the George Floyd riots appear on the streets of many American cities. The bridges between these attacks on the president and America seem virtually seamless.
Are we alleging a conspiracy? Hardly. The more likely explanation is opportunistic exploitation, good timing, and funding and training already in place to take advantage of probable events. Ask yourself: How many incidents of police brutality happen on a regular basis? It’s not that the police are mindless animals—far from it.
But in any organization there will be moral stragglers. Given the many scores of thousands of law enforcement personnel throughout the nation, some are bound to be bad apples who will act on their brutal instincts. When they do so, as in the Minneapolis case of Justine Ruszczyk Damond, and it doesn’t meet the proper political criterion, the case is ignored. However, when the casting fits the wolves pounce.
There are other interesting clues as well. Professionally-made signs appearing at the riots in mere hours after the Floyd killing, bricks apparently prepositioned in urban locales for the use of rioters, tactical operators ready to dispense cash and on-the-scene direction immediately in evidence and effective at their jobs, and a media narrative that switched from a pandemic that was going to kill us all (hence the need for nanny state regulations), to a virus wiped off the headlines with almost preplanned ease.
Yes, it surely seems like a deep dark NWO/deep state/Atomic Mole People gambit to corrupt our precious bodily fluids. But it’s not. It is the tactical and opportunistic expertise of a cunning enemy and their media acolytes. Next time —and there will be a next time— perhaps we can be proactive instead of constantly reactive.
This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 2, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
Read more at LifeZette:
Charlotte Police Department reveals 70% of rioters they’ve arrested are ‘instigators’ from out of state
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The post Democrats Have Forgotten About Social Distancing…When It Comes To Rioters appeared first on The Political Insider.