Even by his supporters like me, the president is not usually described as “selfless.” The guy has got an ego and it can be overweening at times. But, as was said decades ago on “The Real McCoys,” “If you can do it, it ain’t braggin’ ”
I think the president knows he’s lost this election even though a lot of his supporters do not. So, why would a guy who is somewhat self-obsessed, as any successful politician is, keep fighting in the courts even though he knows it’s probably a lost cause? Because, more than his ego, he cares about the country. Ok, I’ll wait for some of you to stop laughing.
Trump Cares About America
The president is said to have, during the impeachment trial, replied when someone asked him what he would do if he had to give up the presidency, “Guess I’ll just go back to being a billionaire with a supermodel wife.” True. He never needed the presidency and he doesn’t need this fight now.
He’s not some chuffed up middle class hustler who the establishment has over a barrel, which is what has upset them the most about him. So when it comes down to it, by the process deduction, there is likely one main reason he’s doing this, fighting out those lawsuits around the country, because he cares about America’s future.
Donald Trump understands that if he can make a successful case, legal or political, that this was a stolen election maybe America and the Republican Party will wake up. Maybe Joe Biden will be seen, as we were told Trump was, as a legal yet illegitimate president. Maybe the Republican Party will be proactive in 2022 and legally attack before election day, not only defend after election day.
RELATED: Experts Urged Hillary Clinton To Challenge Election Results In 2016
Trump Is Fighting For Something Bigger
The president understands that if this result is accepted as legitimate the confidence of Americans in the very foundation of the republic will be shaken to its core. Why should we vote if any vote can be overturned by Democrat corruption and hijinks? Thus, he will fight to prove such corruption existed and that it changed the course of the election.
Will that prove successful in getting the president a second term right now? Unlikely. The timing is off, with states certifying and the Electoral College meeting soon. But, it can set us up for 2022 and beyond.
Measures like voter identification, chain of custody ballot security, and stringent oversight of ballot counting could go a long way to restoring trust in the system and ensuring that the person with the most legitimate votes wins the election and, in the case of a presidential election, wins the electoral college votes of a state. That has not been the case this time and the Democrats got away with stealing an election. Never again.
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This piece was written by David Kamioner on November 21, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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The post Trump Selflessly Fights Election Corruption appeared first on The Political Insider.