Rachel Maddow’s Ratings Continue To Tank At MSNBC

When you think of ultraliberal media stars a lot of names come to mind. But one who has stood out for a while has been Rachel Maddow of MSNBC. However, it seems that even her hard left viewers are growing tired of her, as her ratings are headed to the media equivalent of the Challenger Deep.

Maddow called the month of May quits at the tail end of five Fox News programs in total viewership, including non-primetime shows such as “The Five” and “Special Report with Bret Baier.” And remember, she’s tanking with her own type of viewers.  Her May numbers were even sadder with the key adult demo of 25-54. There she caught 455,000 viewers to end up tied for No. 7 in cable news, even behind a show at ratings bottom-feeder CNN.

Speaking of fake news, “Cuomo Prime Time” beat Maddow in the key demo in May. Even the non-by-the-sentient-watched “Anderson Cooper 360” almost beat Maddow among the vital viewer group last month.

Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson told Fox News, “Rachel Maddow’s success was a one-trick pony. That trick was Trump-Russia conspiracy theories on an Alex Jones level of crazy. After the Mueller report, Maddow’s decline was inevitable. She got a respite due to impeachment hysteria, but now that that too has passed, there’s no reason for anyone except the hardcore left to watch her. Her decline could be permanent unless some other political paranoid delusion draws people back to her.”

Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor also told Fox News, “I think this is a battle of extreme idiocy and that favors CNN. Maddow has two strikes against her — she tends to be wonky and she lost a lot of leftist support when she was massively wrong about Russia. Even the left has the standard of wanting their pundits not to make them look bad. And she did. CNN has become a parody of a news network with the unethical faux journalism of anchor Chris Cuomo repeatedly interviewing his brother, the disastrous New York governor. Lucky for CNN, their viewers aren’t tuning into Cuomo or Anderson Cooper for news. They can’t be. They are tuning in for spectacle. And that, CNN will happily supply.”

Piling on, media critic Jeff McCall comments, “Maddow’s credibility likely took a hit in the eyes of the less loyal viewers once the Russian collusion story dissipated. The strategy of focusing so much of her program around one issue looked good at the time and her ratings jumped, but sustaining that momentum was a challenge once the news agenda changed. She will need to find another enticing anti-Trump storyline to lure back the more casual viewers.”

This was inevitable. The rarely drooling members of the left who can still summon up the brain-hand coordination to push a button on a remote are leaving Maddow because she just is never right. Even they have standards for accuracy. They’re very low, but they’re there. And as she begins to slide into permanent orbit decay and burns up in the pundit atmosphere she will blame it on the president, as she always does. If only he had that much power.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 5, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
‘Antifa’ kid who smashed cop car and launched violent riots is escorted into Pittsburgh police custody by his mom and dad
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Pelosi and Clinton insult President Trump for going to church, holding a Bible

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Shifty Schiff: Coronavirus Deaths Fault Of Failure To Impeach Trump

Representative Adam Schiff put the blame for coronavirus deaths squarely on the fact that President Donald Trump was not impeached back in January.

Schiff: ‘Little Did We Know How Great The Casualties’ Of Impeachment Failure Would Be

Sparked off by a comment from MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell, Schiff went on an insane diatribe linking the casualties of coronavirus to the failed impeachment.

“We can’t act even slightly surprised by this because you told us this was going to happen in your argument in the Senate impeachment trial,” O’Donnell put to Schiff.

“Well, we certainly told the senators that he was not going to change, and there was no way to constrain him. That he is who he is, and he would continue to operate the way he had, and indeed, that’s exactly what we’ve seen since,” Schiff replied. “The one thing we dramatically understated is when we asked the question, ‘If you found him guilty, do you really need to remove him given there is another election only nine months away, how much damage could he really do?'”

“We said a lot, but little did we know just how great the casualties would be. Some days we lose the equivalent of the number of people we lost on 9/11,” Schiff claimed, with clearly no self-reflection. “You know, I think that there is no way we could have foreseen just how tragic his malfeasance would be in his remaining months in the administration.”

Absolutely Unhinged!

The RNC called Schiff’s arguments “unhinged” in their tweet covering his appearance, and I am very much inclined to agree. It’s completely deranged to not only put the blame for deaths from the coronavirus on President Trump, but also in the impeachment itself. Ironically, you can make a far more coherent case that the impeachment debacle actually distracted the attention of the Democrats in Congress from the growing threat of the pandemic back in January!

As Fox News host Sean Hannity pointed out on his March 16th show, Democrats weren’t interested in the coronavirus at all. When the first person with coronavirus entered the country on January 21st, the Democrats were “in the throes of an all-consuming, what has been the culmination of a three-year quest to impeach and throw Donald Trump out of office.” On January 23rd, when China sealed off the Hubei province, House impeachment managers were starting their opening arguments. And on January 31st, when President Trump issued the travel ban to and from China and declared a national health emergency, Democrats, including Schiff, were busy trying to impeach him.

Try denying that Schiff!

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Schiff: Lives Would Have Been Saved If Only Trump Had Been Impeached And Removed

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) made an outlandish claim that many American lives would have been saved from the coronavirus pandemic if only President Trump had been impeached and removed from office.

The House Intelligence Committee Chairman told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that his inability (along with other impeachment managers) to convince the Senate that Trump was guilty and should be removed “haunts” him.

“I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do in the months ahead,” Schiff claimed. “There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead, in significant part because of his incompetence, because of his inability to think beyond himself and put the country first.”

“I don’t think we would have ever anticipated that his brand of narcissism and his brand of incompetence would be so fatal to the American people,” he asserted.

RELATED: Ayanna Pressley Compares Trump’s Coronavirus Response To ‘War Crimes’

It Was Schiff’s Impeachment Charade That Cost Lives

There is a whole boatload of stupidity to unpack in those comments, not the least of which is that Schiff seems unaware – perhaps because he was focused on impeaching rather than governing – that the President had already taken significant steps to slow the spread of the virus.

While the resistance party was plotting their impeachment gambit, Trump was setting up a coronavirus task force, ordering more testing and ventilators, restricting travel from countries known to be battling the virus, and declaring a national emergency.

The first reported case of coronavirus in the United States came on January 21st. The impeachment charade ended in the Senate on February 5th.

Is Schiff really under the impression that Trump’s ouster and Vice President Mike Pence’s takeover of the presidency (he is Chair of the coronavirus task force) would have led to different results? Especially when it had already been in the country for two weeks at least, likely longer?

RELATED: Schiff Vows To ‘Dive Deep’ Into Trump Coronavirus Investigation

Schiff Lied, People Died

Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), has already debunked the claim that more should have been done by President Trump in the month of February.

“You keep calling February this lost month, it’s really not,” Crenshaw told HBO star Bill Maher previously. “It’s just an easy, cheap accusation because there’s no big bold moves taken like there was in January or like there was in March.”

Crenshaw noted that even as of March 3rd, there were still only 100 coronavirus cases in the United States and that Americans weren’t going to accept a lockdown at that point.

Which makes Schiff’s point moot.

Anybody with a working set of eyes and ears is aware that it was the impeachment hoax that took Congress’s focus off of the coronavirus.

It was Schiff and his Democrat colleagues who bogged down an entire nation with their little impeachment dreams while the coronavirus was beginning to flourish.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino responded to Schiff’s claims, spitting fire on Twitter:

Known liar, clown, fraud, oxygen thief, serial hoaxster, and all-around garbage-person, sleazy Adam Schiff is doing everything he can to make this awful situation worse. There aren’t many people walking this planet who’ve done more damage than this sleazeball.

Buckle up. He’s about to do much further damage.

Schiff vowed two weeks ago to conduct a thorough investigation into the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are diving deeply into what does the intelligence community know, what resources we would bring there, and what do we need to do prospectively to better protect the country in the future,” he announced.

That means another investigation – we’ve already endured Russia, Ukraine, emoluments, etc. – to drag America down even further.

While the President will be working diligently to revive America from the economic devastation wrought by this pandemic, Democrats will be working feverishly to slow him down yet again.

Meaning they will have even more blood on their hands when victims of suicide due to the financial crisis, or domestic violence victims due to lockdown, suffer while Democrats play politics.

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Adam Schiff Wants Every American To Have ‘Easy Access To Voting By Mail With A Postage Paid Ballot’

Democratic Congressman and presidential impeachment ringleader Adam Schiff said on MSNBC Sunday that his party must insist that “every American” have easy access to voting by mail.

Schiff said of President Trump, “I’m more worried he will try to disenfranchise millions of Americans then try to put off the election. He’s already talking down absentee voting, making false claims about the reliability of absentee voting even when he votes by absentee himself.”

RELATED: Democrats Use Coronavirus Pandemic to Push Through Electoral Changes, Mail Voting


‘We need to insist that every American in the fall if they choose to do so, has easy access to voting by mail with a postage-paid ballot’

“But he has openly admitted, and it is rather startling to hear him say out in the open, that he believes that’s more Americans vote, more would participate in our democracy, and he and other Republicans couldn’t get elected,” Schiff said.

“That may very well be true, but that is not a reason to disenfranchise people,” Schiff continued. “It’s a reason to change their platform. But I do think that like they tried in Wisconsin, the Republicans may try to force people to choose their vote or our health and we need to insist, and I think needs to be a very important point in terms of protecting the health care of our democracy, we need to insist that every American in the fall if they choose to do so, has easy access to voting by mail with a postage-paid ballot.”


“Because we can’t preserve the health of our country if we allow democracy to be destroyed,” Schiff finished.

Pelosi Pushes Mail-In Ballots Too

The Political Insider reported Wednesday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that a “chunk of money” will be designated in the next COVID-19 stimulus bill that will allow Americans to vote by mail.


RELATED: Pelosi Claims Next Stimulus Will Allow ‘American People To Vote By Mail’

Pelosi said, “They have also told us 24/7 the Russians are still at work trying to undermine our election. That is why we have to have an important chunk of money in this next bill that will enable us to protect the integrity of our elections, as well as enable the American people to vote by mail, especially at this time of a health danger in going to the polls.”

Voting by mail has become a Democratic theme. Would you trust this kind of system to determine the next President of the United States?

Do you trust Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and their party in pushing this so strenuously?

We don’t either.

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Joe Scarborough Says Everyone Except Trump ‘Saw This Coming In Early January,’ But ‘Morning Joe’ Didn’t Mention It Until The 24th

On Wednesday, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said that everyone but President Donald Trump had seen the coronavirus pandemic coming at the beginning of the year.

‘Everybody saw this coming, everybody saw this coming in early January’ – Even Though Joe Scarborough Didn’t?

“Everybody saw this coming, everybody saw this coming in early January,” Scarborough claimed on his program “Morning Joe.”

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But there’s a big problem with his statement –  even Scarborough wasn’t talking about coronavirus in early January.

Trump 2020 Communications Director Matt Wolking tweeted, “Brazen lie from @JoeNBC. @Morning_Joe did not mention the coronavirus until Jan 24, when a guest said ‘we don’t need to be overly concerned yet in the U.S.’ and ‘Americans [should] take this as a wake up call for seasonal flu.’ Joe himself didn’t mention coronavirus until Feb 7.”

Coronavirus Wasn’t Even Mentioned on ‘Morning Joe’ Until January 24

Coronavirus was not mentioned on “Morning Joe” until January 24, when cohost Mika Brzezinski read a news report about China and the 26th death occurring in Wuhan.

There were just a few minutes of COVID-19 coverage that day, with most reporting and political conversations focusing almost entirely on President Trump’s impeachment trial.

Just ten days before this early report, the Chinese government along with the World Health Organization was still saying that the coronavirus was not transmissible from person to person.

Obviously we have since learned this isn’t true. We have also all learned together, whether Scarborough wants to admit it or not, pretending this was well known back in January.

Left-Leaning Journalist Glenn Greenwald Calls Joe Out

The Intercept journalist Glenn Greenwald took Joe to task, tweeting, “Look what a pathological liar @JoeNBC is. Today he said about the coronavirus pandemic in the US: “Everybody saw this coming in early January.” Number of @JoeNBC tweets in January by topic: Impeachment – 29 Election – 11 Sports – 7 Coronavirus – 0″

RELATED: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Greenwald is right.

But Joe Scarborough’s purpose here isn’t to tell the truth, but to hurt the President. In that effort, any lie will do.

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Maxine Waters Says Trump Is An ‘Incompetent Idiot’ Who Must ‘Pray for Forgiveness’

On Monday, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters went on a social media rant against President Donald Trump over his handling of the coronavirus crisis, calling him an “incompetent idiot” who needs to “pray for forgiveness.”

‘Your ignorance & incompetence are appalling’

“Trump, stop congratulating yourself! You’re a failure & you’ve mishandled this #COVID19 disaster! You’re not knowledgeable & you don’t know more than experts & generals,” Waters wrote on Twitter. “Your ignorance & incompetence are appalling & you continue to demonstrate that every time you open your mouth!”

RELATED: Mitch McConnell Points Finger Of Blame For Coronavirus Crisis Directly At Impeachment Happy Democrats

She didn’t stop there.

“Trump, you incompetent idiot!,” she tweeted. “You sent 18 tons of PPE to China early but ignored warnings & called COVID19 concerns a hoax. You’ve endangered doctors, nurses, aids, [sic] orderlies, & janitors – all risking their lives to save ours. Pray 4 forgiveness for the harm that you’re causing!”

Waters’ Rampage Against Trump Is Nothing New

Waters had accused President Trump on Sunday of ignoring the pandemic early on.

“As you know, we had an office of pandemic affairs basically in the office of the president that was shut down, closed down, not funded by the president of the United States,” Waters told MSNBC host Joy Reid. “That’s the kind of office that does the planning, that anticipates, that makes sure that supplies and everything that’s needed can be readily available when you have this kind of disaster. And so even though we didn’t have that kind of planning in addition to that, the early notifications I’m told were ignored.”

Waters Wants Trump to Address Crisis But Also… Shut His Mouth About It?!?

Strangely, while Waters accused Trump of ignoring the crisis in its early stages, she also believes he should “shut his mouth” about it.

RELATED: Maxine Waters Accuses Trump Of Lying, Ignoring Early Warnings On Coronavirus

“It’s been said over and over again that you cannot trust this president,” Waters told Reid. “Not only is he a liar, he does not believe in anything scientific.”

“So the President of the United States cannot be relied upon,” she added. “Someone said he needs to be quiet, he needs to shut his mouth.”

Despite Waters’ random and often nonsensical grumblings, the Trump administration continues to make strides in implementing testing nationwide, mask production and financial and other relief crucial to Americans during this crisis.

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Maxine Waters Accuses Trump Of Lying, Ignoring Early Warnings On Coronavirus

Rep. Maxine Waters accused President Trump of ignoring early coronavirus warnings and suggested he’s “gotten away with a lot of lying.”

The fact that the first part of that sentence is a complete lie is an irony that apparently escapes the California Democrat.

“The early notifications I’m told were ignored,” Waters said during a weekend interview with MSNBC.

Accuses Trump of Lying

Waters then accused the President of lying regarding his implementation of the Defense Production Act.

“I know that the president has gotten away with a lot of lying about what is going to happen with the Defense Act, and he said that he was going to, first of all, invoke it. He did not,” she claimed.

“He waited until the heat was on him, and then he lied on some of the big businesses that he said he had an agreement with that he really didn’t have.”

These are the same people who couldn’t stomach the thought of the President invoking various war powers acts for the last three years, now demanding he does just that.

Trump invoked the Defense Production Act on Friday, compelling General Motors to start making ventilators.

RELATED: Trump Calls Nancy Pelosi A ‘Sick Puppy’ After She Blames Him For Coronavirus Deaths

Shut His Mouth

Waters’ comments are in line with those she made weeks ago when she called the President of the United States a “liar” and suggested he should shut his mouth on the coronavirus crisis.

“It’s been said over and over again that you cannot trust this president. Not only is he a liar, he does not believe in anything scientific,” she claimed without evidence. “So the President of the United States cannot be relied upon. Someone said he needs to be quiet, he needs to shut his mouth.”

First, she says he needs to keep his mouth shut, then complains that he hasn’t said or done enough.

RELATED: Lack Of N95 Respirator Masks Found To Be Fault Of Obama Administration

Maxine Is Lying

It’s never a good idea to accuse somebody of lying while simultaneously doing the same thing.

As we’ve noted, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has repeatedly credited President Trump with saving countless lives through swift action at the very beginning.

Travel restrictions implemented by the administration in late January helped limit the spread of the virus.

What were Waters and her fellow Democrats focused on at that time? The impeachment sham.

Aside from that, she also blamed President Trump for a lack of respirators.

The reality, however, is that it was the Obama-Biden administration that failed to replenish those supplies.

In 2009, the H1N1 swine flu pandemic triggered a massive deployment of respirators and masks.

But the Obama administration never set about replenishing the stockpile, despite warnings from multiple experts and a 2010 report funded by the federal government recommending the repository of masks be restocked for a future pandemic.

“In hindsight, it appears to be shortsighted,” said the senior director of public health preparedness for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

Waters is the very definition of short-sighted.

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MSNBC Legal Analyst Says Trump Is Guilty Of Murder Over Coronavirus

Want to hear somebody who makes AOC and Rashida Tlaib sound reasonable? Meet Glenn Kirschner, an MSNBC pundit and lawyer. He thinks the president is possibly criminally liable for murder. And yes, he is quite probably clinically insane.

Here is the proof of his lunacy: “Hey All. Can we talk about 1 of the few topics I may actually know too much about: homicide? Specifically, whether Donald Trump may have criminal exposure for some level of negligent homicide or voluntary/involuntary manslaughter for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis,” said Kirschner in a frothing Twitter post on Tuesday.

Well, he wanted press. He got it. Sadly, the press only exposes him as a fantasist. Wonder if he thinks Hillary Clinton should be held for murder over Benghazi? Nahhhh…

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He goes on: “Further, whereas the evidence is clear that Trump has committed multiple criminal offenses both before his tenure as president (campaign finance crimes) & during his time as president (obstruction of justice, bribery/extortion) homicide liability by his negligent/grossly negligent (and/or possibly intentional) mishandling of the Coronavirus crisis in the US is a more nuanced and thorny issue and deserves careful consideration. But the homicide liability issue MUST be addressed because ALL criminal charges will have to be investigated and, if the evidence dictates it, prosecuted come Jan. 2021. Stay tuned.”

Ah, so he wants a Mueller probe do-over and an impeachment replay, both because his side lost so badly. Not gonna happen, Glenn.

Then he switches to his Big Kahuna, the potential prosecution of Trump for murder on the coronavirus. Yeah, that’ll fly.

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Let’s see who the president could bring as defense witnesses in such a trial. Well, there are both the left-wing Democrat governors of New York and California who have praised the president and the administration on their efforts. There’s CNN‘s Dana Bash, who lauded him on his tone and manner. And there is the American people, who approve of his handing of the virus by a solid margin.

The only people left are those who would rather insanely try to make up absurd charges against the president than join in the national effort to fight the virus.

Those would be people like…Glenn Kirschner.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on March 19, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid Claims Trump Supporters are Racists Who Revolted Against ‘Smart People’

By PoliZette Staff | February 24, 2020

MSNBC host Joy Reid just launched a vile attack on supporters of President Donald Trump, reminding all of us just how little liberal elites think of conservatives.

While covering the Nevada Caucuses, Reid revealed why she thinks Trump won the 2016 election, and she unsurprisingly chalked his victory up to racism.

“Even though Donald Trump did not have a majority, the hungry constituency was a lot of white ethnic voters, north and south, who said ‘we’re taking this country back from the brown people, the immigrants. We’re getting rid of unlawful migration,'” Reid said.

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Reid went on to imply that Republicans are less intelligent than liberals. Paraphrasing what she felt they were thinking, Reid said, ‘We don’t care what you say… The smart, the smarty pants, the college educated…forget them. We’re the hungriest.'”

This is far from the first time Reid has attacked Trump and his supporters in this way. Back in 2017, Reid described Trump as the worst version of Americans, according to The Blaze.

“If you think of the presidency as a national avatar, Obama is who we hope we are, and Donald Trump is who we fear we are,” Reid said, adding that Trumpism is “something sort of guttural…like playing to all of your base fears of other people—your anger, your rage, your neediness. The core of his need is this black hole inside himself is kind of what America fears—like the crass part of ourselves is becoming.”

Republicans aren’t the only ones Reid calls racist, however, as she also hurls this attack at Democrats who disagree with her. Earlier this month, she accused 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg of being racist for using the word “heartland” in a tweet.

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“So I want to read you a tweet from you,” she said. “‘In the face of unprecedented challenges, we need a president whose vision was shaped by the American Heartland rather than the ineffective Washington politics we’ve come to know and expect.’ I got a lot of texts on that tweet. Not positive. From people saying, ‘heartland’—that sounds to a lot of people like a dog whistle to white voters.”

No wonder MSNBC is struggling in the ratings. How can anyone take anything a race-baiter like Reid says seriously?

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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Chris Matthews Frets: If Bernie Wins the Nomination ‘We’ll Lose 49 States’

MSNBC host Chris Matthews is sounding the alarm suggesting that if the Democrat party goes all-in on radical socialist, Bernie Sanders, President Trump will wipe the floor with them on Election Day.

In discussing how the other candidates have withheld their fire against Sanders and his radical policies, Matthews predicted the ultimate outcome would be Trump winning 49 of 50 states. Or is it 57, Barack?

“They’re [other candidates] just pandering to the Bernie people and you know what pandering gets you? Nothing,” the MSNBC host complained. “It certainly doesn’t get you respect.”

“They’ve got to get out there and say I disagree with socialism; I believe in the markets; I think he’s wrong,” Matthews continued. “I think you’ll never get it done and this country will never go that direction, by the way we’ll lose forty-nine states.”

Safe to say, Chris has no thrill going up his leg for Bernie’s socialist candidacy.

RELATED: Chris Matthews: Obama’s Presidency ‘Still Thrilling to Me’

Let’s Analyze Those Comments

There is a lot to unpack in Matthews’ comments, not the least of which is how his prediction will probably come true. We’ll get to that in a minute, however.

Let’s begin with how the MSNBC host, who wants to convince viewers that he and his network are not an arm of the Democrat party, framed the comment.

We’ll lose forty-nine states.”

Why would he consider that a personal loss? A rhetorical question, of course.

Also worth considering, Mr. Matthews, is the possibility that Democrats aren’t exclusively pandering to Bernie’s people. Perhaps they have conformed to the extreme elements of the fringe left and are supportive of his socialist policies and platforms.

It’s not exactly a far-fetched notion for a party that has conformed to Bernie’s acolytes on impeachment hoaxes and theatrics from top to bottom.

RELATED: Chris Matthews Admits the Trump/Russia Collusion Story is Toast

He’s Right

Now back to our initial analysis – that Matthews may very well be right when he says the Democrats will suffer incalculable electoral losses on Election Day.

A new ABC/Washington Post poll shows the socialist curmudgeon dominating the field while more palatable choices amongst party moderates are plummeting.

And while Bernie-mania and his dreams of American socialism are popular amongst the extreme left, it remains extremely unpopular to the rest of America.

new poll found only 28% of Americans have a favorable view of socialism, while 58% have an unfavorable impression.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) believes Sanders’ name on the Democrat ticket will result in overwhelming losses for the party in November. Perhaps enough that the House could be flipped.

“Bernie Sanders and House Democrats’ socialist agenda will put an end to Nancy Pelosi’s unsuccessful second stint as Speaker,” NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.

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