Schiff And Pelosi Launch ‘Impeachment 2.0’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Wednesday that a group of vicious partisans and political thugs will make up a Dem-led House committee investigation into the president’s response to the coronavirus. The probe will no doubt be timed to coincide with the fall elections. One can almost already hear the press sharpening their hatchets

Fox News reports these cretins and sinecurists will serve on the committee: “House Financial Service Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters, D-Calif., House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., and Reps. Bill Foster, D-Ill., Jamie Raskin, D-Md., and Andy Kim, D-N.J.”

Fox News reports these geniuses will serve on another committee Pelosi and Adam Schiff have hatched up to try and cripple the nation’s legitimate virus response: “House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., also announced their intention to create a 9/11-style commission, set to launch in February 2021 ‘hopefully after the pandemic has been overcome and after the presidential election.’ ” The 2021 date is likely a feint or a promise to keep a knife at the country’s throat if the president is reelected.

Said Pelosi, “We must be sure that the money we put forth goes to those who need it most, in a way that addresses disparities in access to health care and credit. We also owe it to the American people to prevent waste, fraud and abuse and to protect against price-gouging and profiteering.”

She concluded: “As we respond to this unprecedented pandemic, there will be other opportunities for Member participation which have been suggested for inclusion in legislation.”

Oh good, “other opportunities.” And who are the sober objective fact-finders who will populate such “opportunities”?

Members of Congress like Democrat Maxine Waters of California. Here is Waters in 2019, being objective, “impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement. But for now, impeachment is the imperative.”

The GOP wasted no time in returning fire. A spokesman for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California struck back hard, “Instead of looking for innovative ways to help the American people, Speaker Pelosi has chosen to pursue ‘impeachment 2.0’ with a partisan and unnecessary oversight committee,” the staffer said to Fox News.

He added: “The roster the Speaker has chosen makes clear that this is not an honest effort at transparency and accountability, but rather another attempt to politically damage the Trump administration. During a time of unprecedented crisis, Congress must come together to speak with one voice – the Speaker’s so-called coronavirus oversight task force is simply another partisan pursuit.”

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on April 29, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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Schiff: Lives Would Have Been Saved If Only Trump Had Been Impeached And Removed

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) made an outlandish claim that many American lives would have been saved from the coronavirus pandemic if only President Trump had been impeached and removed from office.

The House Intelligence Committee Chairman told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that his inability (along with other impeachment managers) to convince the Senate that Trump was guilty and should be removed “haunts” him.

“I don’t think we had any idea how much damage he would go on to do in the months ahead,” Schiff claimed. “There are 50,000 Americans now who are dead, in significant part because of his incompetence, because of his inability to think beyond himself and put the country first.”

“I don’t think we would have ever anticipated that his brand of narcissism and his brand of incompetence would be so fatal to the American people,” he asserted.

RELATED: Ayanna Pressley Compares Trump’s Coronavirus Response To ‘War Crimes’

It Was Schiff’s Impeachment Charade That Cost Lives

There is a whole boatload of stupidity to unpack in those comments, not the least of which is that Schiff seems unaware – perhaps because he was focused on impeaching rather than governing – that the President had already taken significant steps to slow the spread of the virus.

While the resistance party was plotting their impeachment gambit, Trump was setting up a coronavirus task force, ordering more testing and ventilators, restricting travel from countries known to be battling the virus, and declaring a national emergency.

The first reported case of coronavirus in the United States came on January 21st. The impeachment charade ended in the Senate on February 5th.

Is Schiff really under the impression that Trump’s ouster and Vice President Mike Pence’s takeover of the presidency (he is Chair of the coronavirus task force) would have led to different results? Especially when it had already been in the country for two weeks at least, likely longer?

RELATED: Schiff Vows To ‘Dive Deep’ Into Trump Coronavirus Investigation

Schiff Lied, People Died

Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), has already debunked the claim that more should have been done by President Trump in the month of February.

“You keep calling February this lost month, it’s really not,” Crenshaw told HBO star Bill Maher previously. “It’s just an easy, cheap accusation because there’s no big bold moves taken like there was in January or like there was in March.”

Crenshaw noted that even as of March 3rd, there were still only 100 coronavirus cases in the United States and that Americans weren’t going to accept a lockdown at that point.

Which makes Schiff’s point moot.

Anybody with a working set of eyes and ears is aware that it was the impeachment hoax that took Congress’s focus off of the coronavirus.

It was Schiff and his Democrat colleagues who bogged down an entire nation with their little impeachment dreams while the coronavirus was beginning to flourish.

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino responded to Schiff’s claims, spitting fire on Twitter:

Known liar, clown, fraud, oxygen thief, serial hoaxster, and all-around garbage-person, sleazy Adam Schiff is doing everything he can to make this awful situation worse. There aren’t many people walking this planet who’ve done more damage than this sleazeball.

Buckle up. He’s about to do much further damage.

Schiff vowed two weeks ago to conduct a thorough investigation into the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are diving deeply into what does the intelligence community know, what resources we would bring there, and what do we need to do prospectively to better protect the country in the future,” he announced.

That means another investigation – we’ve already endured Russia, Ukraine, emoluments, etc. – to drag America down even further.

While the President will be working diligently to revive America from the economic devastation wrought by this pandemic, Democrats will be working feverishly to slow him down yet again.

Meaning they will have even more blood on their hands when victims of suicide due to the financial crisis, or domestic violence victims due to lockdown, suffer while Democrats play politics.

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Adam Schiff Wants Every American To Have ‘Easy Access To Voting By Mail With A Postage Paid Ballot’

Democratic Congressman and presidential impeachment ringleader Adam Schiff said on MSNBC Sunday that his party must insist that “every American” have easy access to voting by mail.

Schiff said of President Trump, “I’m more worried he will try to disenfranchise millions of Americans then try to put off the election. He’s already talking down absentee voting, making false claims about the reliability of absentee voting even when he votes by absentee himself.”

RELATED: Democrats Use Coronavirus Pandemic to Push Through Electoral Changes, Mail Voting


‘We need to insist that every American in the fall if they choose to do so, has easy access to voting by mail with a postage-paid ballot’

“But he has openly admitted, and it is rather startling to hear him say out in the open, that he believes that’s more Americans vote, more would participate in our democracy, and he and other Republicans couldn’t get elected,” Schiff said.

“That may very well be true, but that is not a reason to disenfranchise people,” Schiff continued. “It’s a reason to change their platform. But I do think that like they tried in Wisconsin, the Republicans may try to force people to choose their vote or our health and we need to insist, and I think needs to be a very important point in terms of protecting the health care of our democracy, we need to insist that every American in the fall if they choose to do so, has easy access to voting by mail with a postage-paid ballot.”


“Because we can’t preserve the health of our country if we allow democracy to be destroyed,” Schiff finished.

Pelosi Pushes Mail-In Ballots Too

The Political Insider reported Wednesday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that a “chunk of money” will be designated in the next COVID-19 stimulus bill that will allow Americans to vote by mail.


RELATED: Pelosi Claims Next Stimulus Will Allow ‘American People To Vote By Mail’

Pelosi said, “They have also told us 24/7 the Russians are still at work trying to undermine our election. That is why we have to have an important chunk of money in this next bill that will enable us to protect the integrity of our elections, as well as enable the American people to vote by mail, especially at this time of a health danger in going to the polls.”

Voting by mail has become a Democratic theme. Would you trust this kind of system to determine the next President of the United States?

Do you trust Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and their party in pushing this so strenuously?

We don’t either.

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Schiff Vows To ‘Dive Deep’ Into Trump Coronavirus Investigation

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff vows to conduct a thorough investigation into the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier this month, Schiff (D-CA) vowed to create a “nonpartisan” 9/11-style commission to study why America was “so unprepared” for the crisis.

He joined Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris in submitting an actual bill last week.

RELATED: Trump Whacks Democrats Latest Coronavirus Committee ‘Witch Hunt’

Another Partisan Witch Hunt

Speaking to low-information viewers of the MSNBC show “AM Joy,” Schiff declared that his commission would thoroughly investigate the Trump administration.

“We are diving deeply into what does the intelligence community know, what resources we would bring there, and what do we need to do prospectively to better protect the country in the future,” he announced.

Schiff also inadvertently admitted his investigation would be anything but ‘non-partisan,’ revealing that as the House Intelligence Committee chair he has already committed the ultimate sin of any investigator – drawing a conclusion first.

“It is very important, I think, in reviewing the intelligence component to this to realize the intelligence piece is just one piece of the warnings coming to the administration,” he said.

“A lot of those warnings were in the public domain. They came from public health organizations, like WHO or CDC or his own National Security Council, and ignored those warnings.”

‘Ignored those warnings.’

Schiff is now confessing to be in search of evidence pointing to a conclusion he’s already made. No competent, reasonable, or trusted investigator would ever operate in such a manner.

RELATED: Schiff Wants 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate Trump Administration’s Response to Coronavirus

Schiff is a Hack

Based on Schiff’s own commentary, one can only conclude that he is likely the most partisan political hack to ever head the House Intelligence Committee.

He has been a threat to this President from day one.

It was Schiff and his Democrat colleagues who bogged down an entire nation with impeachment dreams while the coronavirus was beginning to flourish, distracting lawmakers in Congress from protecting America.

“We have seen Americans unite with incredible selflessness and compassion,” President Trump recently stated. “I want to remind everyone here in our nation’s capital, especially in Congress, that this is not the time for politics, endless partisan investigations.”

Schiff is an embarrassment, yes, but worse, he is an imminent danger to this country.

While the President will be working diligently to revive America from the economic devastation wrought by this pandemic, Democrats will be working feverishly to slow him down yet again.

Make no mistake, Schiff cares more about his political future than he does the well-being of the American people.

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Schiff Introduces Bill To Create Coronavirus Commission

Representative Adam Schiff has submitted a bill that would create a Senate commission to investigate the country’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Schiff: “Comprehensive and Authoritative Review Required”

Schiff had announced the creation of the commission at the start of the month, claiming that the country needed a 9/11 and Pearl Harbor style commission to “review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic.”

On Friday, Schiff said that he had created a bill with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris to establish such a commission.

“Though we are still in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, over 16,000 Americans have died,” Schiff tweeted. “It’s clear we’ll need a bipartisan commission to ensure we’re better prepared for the next pandemic.”

“After Pearl Harbor, September 11, and other momentous events in American history, independent, bipartisan commissions have been established to provide a complete accounting of what happened, what we did right and wrong, and what we can do to better protect the country in the future,” Schiff said in a statement. “And though we are still early in this crisis, over sixteen thousand Americans have died so far. It is clear that a comprehensive and authoritative review will be required, not as a political exercise to cast blame, but to learn from our mistakes to prevent history from tragically repeating itself.”

The commission would be composed of 10 individuals, 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans, none of whom would be current federal officials, would possess subpoena power, and would proceed to make a full report on the outbreak and the nation’s response.

Impeachment 2.0!

This follows an announcement from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the creation of a Congressional committee to investigate the coronavirus. They will investigate the management of the bailout package to help coronavirus victims (which amounts to over $2 trillion of government spending), and the general response from the White House, President Trump and his administration to the pandemic.

We can all see what this is: it’s nothing more than “Impeachment 2.0.” Schiff and the other Democrats are still salty from the fact that President Trump is still in office, and want to batter him over the head with this deadly pandemic that has claimed over 18,000 American lives so far.

Schiff said the commission will be “bipartisan,” so why haven’t any Republican congressmen supported his bill? Surely a bipartisan commission, if necessary, would gain the support of legislators from across the aisle?

The fact that it hasn’t should be huge red flag.

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Schiff Begins Another Witch Hunt Against President Trump

Not satisfied by being beaten and humiliated on impeachment, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) wants another trip to the woodshed. This time over a minor presidential appointment. Last time it was over one phone call.

President Trump recently fired Intel Inspector General Michael Atkinson. Atkinson was the man who gave the absurd green light to the phone call informer that led to the impeachment hoax. Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell did the firing.

This was Schiff’s response to the firing of his buddy, “The (House Intel) Committee is reviewing the circumstances of Mr. Atkinson’s dismissal, including whether his termination was intended to curb any ongoing investigations or reviews being undertaken by his office… Trump’s dead of night decision to fire ICIG Michael Atkinson is another blatant attempt to gut the independence of the Intelligence Community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing,” he tweeted. “It puts our country and national security at even greater risk.”

He sent a letter to Grenell on the issue: “President Trump did not nominate you for confirmation as permanent DNI, and it would be inappropriate for you to pursue any additional leadership, organizational, or staffing changes to ODNI during your temporary tenure. Any effort, moreover, to remove or otherwise initiate personnel actions against apolitical career officers based on their perceived loyalty to the President would contravene civil service protections.”

Schiff’s letter said Grenell was “pursuing organizational and personnel changes without consulting and seeking authorization from Congress and in a manner that undermines critical intelligence functions.” Schiff is blatantly trying to decide executive branch personnel decisions. He also wants no one in the way of his upcoming committee investigation, yet again, of the president.

Though that was a letter to Grenell, Schiff leaked it first. Grenell called him on it, “His letter was sent to the press before it was sent to me. These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop.” But they won’t.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on April 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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President Trump proven right after media mocks him on virus drug
Liberal media lets in Chinese propagandist to White House press briefings, tries to throw out conservatives
America is closed down, two Scandinavian countries are not

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Pelosi And Schiff Plan Another Witch Hunt Against The President

As the nation fights for its life against a deadly pandemic and the economy is in serious trouble, what do the Democrats think is their greatest duty?

To launch another unfair partisan hoax against President Trump, this time on his handling of the response to the virus. Pelosi and Schiff have proposed, and Pelosi will be going ahead with, a House investigative committee much like the impeachment committees.

Comments Pelosi, “The committee will be empowered to examine all aspects of the federal response to coronavirus, and to assure that the taxpayers’ dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent to save lives, deliver relief and benefit our economy.”

The president is not happy and let it be known last Thursday.

“We have seen Americans unite with incredible selflessness and compassion. I want to remind everyone here in our nation’s capital, especially in Congress, that this is not the time for politics, endless partisan investigations. Here we go again. They’ve already done extraordinary damage to our country in recent years.”

He continued.

“It’s witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt. And in the end it’s people doing the witch hunt who are losing — and they’ve been losing by a lot. And it’s not any time for witch hunts.”

What were the Democrats doing to prepare for the virus?

Politico reports, “…that the Trump administration held a briefing on the coronavirus for senators, but it was ‘sparsely attended’ in part because it “was held on the same day as a deadline for senators to submit their impeachment questions.’ ”

So as the Democrats investigate the president again, timing it no doubt to coincide with the fall election, the question should be asked: what were they doing? After all, the legislative branch is coequal with the executive branch in our system. Just what did the Democrats not do to warn of the virus and for how long did they dawdle?

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on April 6, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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Senator McSally of Arizona calls for resignation of WHO chief
The five most irresponsible liberal news networks
Why Candace Owens could be hard to beat in a CT House race

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Schiff, Pelosi Trash President Trump On Intel IG Firing

President Trump on Friday fired Intel community Inspector General Michael Atkinson. Atkinson had been long under fire for forwarding the corrupt and illegitimate report on the Ukrainian phone call that led to the impeachment hoax. The firing is long overdue.

At Saturday’s coronavirus briefing the president said of Atkinson, “He did a terrible job. Absolutely terrible… A total disgrace.” But the Democrats do not agree.

“Trump’s dead of night decision to fire ICIG Michael Atkinson is another blatant attempt to gut the independence of the Intelligence Community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

“This latest act of reprisal against the Intelligence Community threatens to have a chilling effect against all willing to speak truth to power. The President must immediately cease his attacks on those who sacrifice to keep America safe, particularly during this time of national emergency,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said.

“Michael Atkinson is a man of integrity who has served our nation for almost two decades. Being fired for having the courage to speak truth to power makes him a patriot,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in a statement.

The president responded, “As is the case with regard to other positions where I, as President, have power of appointment, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, it is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General,” the president said in the letter announcing the firing. “That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General.”

The Democrats are going back to their losing impeachment script because that is all they have during this national crisis that has seen the president’s popularity soar.

They will try other tired, worn gambits. The American public isn’t listening to their propaganda. They have other things on their minds.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 5, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
Rush Limbaugh suggests coronavirus deaths are being exaggerated to push radical agendas
Senator McSally of Arizona calls for resignation of WHO chief
Trump winning running briefing battle with media

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Democrats Create Committee To Scrutinize Trump’s Response to Coronavirus

Democrats have created a new House committee designed to scrutinize and review the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Committee Will “Examine All Aspects of the Federal Response” to Coronavirus

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the coronavirus committee on Thursday. They will investigate the management of the bailout package to help coronavirus victims (which amounts of over $2 trillion of government spending), and the general response from the White House, President Trump and his administration to the pandemic.

The panel, which will be chaired by James Clyburn, the Democrat House Majority Whip, will “examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus and ensure the taxpayer’s dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent,” Pelosi told reporters. “The panel will root out waste, fraud, and abuse; it will protect against price-gauging, profiteering, and political favoritism,” she continued, saying that the country needed “transparency and accountability” in managing the outbreak and the funds. “Where there’s money there’s also frequently mischief.”

RELATED: Mike Pence Puts America First In Virus Supplies

Schiff Demands 9/11 Style “Nonpartisan Commission”

It follows an announcement on Wednesday. from Representative Adam Schiff to set up a 9/11-style “nonpartisan commission” to investigate the administration’s response to coronavirus.

“After Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we looked at what went wrong to learn from our mistakes,” Schiff tweeted. “Once we’ve recovered, we need a nonpartisan commission to review our response and how we can better prepare for the next pandemic. I’m working on a bill to do that.”

RELATED: Schiff Wants 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate Trump Administration’s Response to Coronavirus

We all know where this is going. Does anyone think the Democrats won’t simply use both the commission and the committee to attack the President for doing all he can to slow the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus? Just like impeachment, this is going to end up as a partisan attack on the President, most likely led by Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff – all working together to batter the deaths of American citizens over the head of President Trump for political pointscoring.

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