Adam Schiff Claims Trump Impeachment ‘Gathering Momentum’ With Republicans

On Tuesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff said that he believes support for impeaching President Trump is “gathering momentum” in the GOP.

His comments come after reports that Republicans in leadership, like Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney, are supportive of the effort.

Schiff made his comments during an interview on CNN’s “Situation Room” with host Wolf Blitzer.

Watch the entire interview below.

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Schiff: ‘These Things Have A Way Of Gathering Momentum’

Blitzer said to Schiff, “The third-ranking Republican in the House, Congresswoman Liz Cheney, she nows says she will actually vote to impeach President Trump tomorrow when this resolution comes up for a vote.”

Blitzer added, “The last time you impeached President Trump, you did so with no Republican support in the House, no Republican support at all. So what does this development mean?”

Schiff replied, “It means she won’t be alone. There will be other Republicans influenced by her decision, and these things have a way of gathering momentum.”

Trump Called Schiff ‘Watermelon Head’ In October

“So I wouldn’t be surprised now to see a considerable number of Republicans join in supporting the impeachment resolution,” he added.

The Democrat then noted how significant support for impeachment from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could be in this effort.

“These reports that Mitch McConnell may be open to the impeachment charges as well is quite a potential earthquake in the Senate,” Schiff said.

Schiff is no stranger to battles with President Trump. He was one of the key advocates of RussiaGate during Trump’s entire first term in office.

In October, Trump called Schiff “watermelon head” at a presidential campaign rally in Gastonia, North Carolina.

Trump also said Schiff should be “locked up.”

RELATED: President Trump Unleashed: ‘Watermelon Head’ Adam Schiff ‘Should Be Locked Up’

Schiff Led First Impeachment Trial Against Trump

Schiff led the first impeachment trial against President Trump over alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found insufficient evidence to back up those allegations.

Progressive journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote at The Intercept in April 2019, “The two-pronged conspiracy theory that has dominated U.S. political discourse for almost three years – that (1) Trump, his family and his campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and (2) Trump is beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin — was not merely rejected today by the final report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. It was obliterated: in an undeniable and definitive manner.”

Watch the interview: 

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Schiff Comes Unglued Over Reports Of Flynn Pardon – Says Trump ‘Acting Like An Organized Crime Figure’

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) came unglued on Wednesday over reports that President Donald Trump is considering pardoning former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Back in 2017, Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts he had with Russia, but he later attempted to withdraw this plea, according to The Hill.

Schiff Unravels 

While appearing on CNN’s “New Day,” Schiff accused Trump of “acting like an organized crime figure” because he feels that the president is trying to reward people who lie for him.

“It would send a message that at least as far as President Trump is concerned, if you lie on his behalf, if you cover up for him, he will reward you,” Schiff said. “He will protect you, but only if he thinks it’s in his interest.”

“There are others that lied for him that he’s not going to extend that kind of service to, but it just, frankly reflects so ill on our democracy, on the United States,” he added.

“Imagine what people around the world think when we have a president who’s acting like an organized crime figure,” Schiff continued. “But this is who Donald Trump is. It’s who he was on the way into the presidency. It will be exactly who he is on his last days of the presidency.”

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Schiff Admits Trump Could Legally Pardon Flynn

Despite this rant, Schiff could not deny that legally Trump has every right to pardon Flynn, “assuming that it’s not on the basis of some illicit quid pro quo.” However, the Democrat made a point of adding that he does not believe that Trump can pardon himself.

“There are other limitations on the pardon power, but it is very broad and subject to abuse as he has demonstrated,” Schiff said.

RELATED: President Trump Unleashed: ‘Watermelon Head’ Adam Schiff ‘Should Be Locked Up’

Schiff was one of the Democrats who led the impeachment witch hunt charge against Trump during his presidency. That’s why it would not be surprising if he’s planning to lead yet another witch hunt effort against Trump and those close to him, once the president leaves office.

The hatred Schiff has for President Trump remains nothing short of disturbing.

This piece was written by James Samson on November 25, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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President Trump Unleashed: ‘Watermelon Head’ Adam Schiff ‘Should Be Locked Up’

During a campaign rally in Gastonia, North Carolina on Wednesday, President Donald Trump called Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff a “watermelon head” for returning to his “Russia, Russia, Russia” talking points to attack him in this election.

Trump mocked the House Intelligence Chairman for believing that Hunter Biden’s recovered “laptop from hell” could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

RELATED: DNI John Ratcliffe Says ‘Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Not Part Of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’

Trump On Alleged Hunter Biden Laptop: ‘This Laptop Is A Disaster’

President Trump said that Schiff probably did not even believe what he was saying, noting that the Democrat was “no dummy.”

On Hunter Biden, Trump alleged, “Explosive emails from Hunter Biden also show that Hunter was negotiating with a Chinese are tied to the Communist China party to receive $10 million a year for introductions well that sounds reasonable I think you do that. I think I’d even do it.”

“This laptop is a disaster,” Trump added.

“How the hell do he ever let go of this sucker. He got to have it fixed I guess he forgot to pick it up. What the hell?”

Adam Schiff Is A Habitual Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theorist

After that, the rally crowd began chanting, “Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up.”

Trump replied, “He should be. Honestly that guy should be locked up.”

Between the Democrats’ impeachment embarrassment and the latest controversy involving Hunter Biden, Rep. Schiff has been an unrelenting foe of this president.

Schiff was a leading proponent of the “Russian collusion” hoax, and so it should be no surprise he continues to do anything he can to undermine the Trump administration.

Schiff has already claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is a “Russian disinformation” smear – though Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says that is false.

Ratcliffe has said that not only does the intelligence community not believe that, but they have not shared any intelligence on the matter with Congress.

RELATED: Adam Schiff Says ‘No Racist Appeal’ Or ‘Political Dirty Trick Beyond The Pale’ For Trump

Expect Schiff To Keep Attacking Trump

President Trump continues to campaign incessantly, per his Wednesday appearance in North Carolina, while his Democratic opponent continues to hide out in his basement.

How much will voters get that Donald Trump is out there working hard to earn their votes?

How much will they understand that Joe Biden is hiding out, because the less seen and heard he is, the better?

Time will tell.

In the meantime, “watermelon head” Adam Schiff will no doubt continue to do his worst and see Russian agents behind every bush and under every bed.

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Adam Schiff Says ‘No Racist Appeal’ Or ‘Political Dirty Trick Beyond The Pale’ For Trump

House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff told MSNBC on Wednesday that President Donald Trump would stoop to any level to win the election, saying there was “no tactic beneath him, no bigotry too great, no racist appeal too much, no political dirty trick beyond the pale.”

Guest-host Ali Velshi said to Schiff, “A lot of people just don’t like Donald Trump. They forget the impeachment was about a dirty election trick. A dirty election trick is something you and I talked about I think a week ago with the intelligence that you have had that you like Americans to find out about, but you can’t right now.”

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Schiff: We have ‘a president of the United States who will break any law, rule, abuse of power of his office, who will cheat…’

“This is another one,” Ali Velshi said. “If he’s helping Kanye West to run with the aim of defeating Joe Biden, falls into the same basket.”

Schiff replied, “Well, it does. It falls into the basket of a president of the United States who will break any law, rule, abuse of power of his office, who will cheat, and no strategy is beneath him.”

“You know, this idea of recruiting a third party candidate that you hope will siphon votes from your opponent, it is an old ploy, but it is among the dirtiest of the dirty tricks,” Schiff said. “You never wanted to be associated with it. But here it is all out in the open.”


Schiff accuses Trump of racism: ‘It is not even a dog-whistle anymore. It is a whistle that everybody can hear’

“The president’s son-in-law dispatched to meet with Kanye,” Schiff continued. “They’re not even hiding it.”

The Democrat added, “You know, Barbara Boxer, who was just wonderful on your show, talked about the dog-whistle in terms of the suburban households. It is not even a dog-whistle anymore. It is a whistle that everybody can hear.”

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Schiff claims ‘Republicans in the Congress won’t say a word’ about Trump supposedly destroying the Republican Party

Schiff went on, “This is where the president has descended to low, no tactic beneath him, no bigotry too great, no racist appeal too much, no political dirty trick beyond the pale. And the terrible thing is the Republicans in the Congress won’t say a word.”

“They are watching their party destroyed,” he said. “They’re watching the ethics of the party leader just tear their party asunder, and they don’t have the guts to do anything or say anything about it.”

“That’s what enables this,” Schiff insisted.

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Speaker Pelosi And Adam Schiff Launch New Plan To Take Trump Down

On NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and committee chairs are considering calling former National Security Adviser John Bolton to testify before Congress about the allegations in his newly released book.

In the interview, Schiff stated, “We will look at what allegations like those involving Turkey and other countries, particularly involving China, need to be fleshed out and exposed to the light of day, and then we’ll make our decisions.”

He continued, “But, you know, we do need, I think, to expose the length and breadth of this president’s depravity and how much it is endangering the country. So those facts are going to need to come out, and we are discussing with the Speaker and my fellow chairs just how to do that.”

Schiff suggested he would not have Bolton wait until after the November election to testify, if lawmakers decide to call him to do so.

“I don’t think we should wait if we conclude that there are important things that he says that need to be exposed to the public. The public needs to know exactly what they have in this president. A lot of it is not a surprise, but at the same time, exposure of this president’s misconduct is the best way to protect the country. Congress can take steps to protect the country,” Schiff added.

Schiff said he has yet to read the forthcoming book, “The Room Where It Happened,” other than the excerpts that have been reported, but expects to do so in the next couple of days. Bolton makes several new allegations against the president in the book, including alleging that Trump solicited Chinese President Xi Jinping’s assistance in winning reelection.

Bolton refused to testify before the House during its impeachment inquiry. Instead, he threatened to join a lawsuit contesting the House Democrats’ subpoenas seeking his associate’s testimony. Schiff said on Sunday that by publishing allegations in the book after refusing to testify during the impeachment probe, “he [Bolton] indicts himself for cowardice and for greed.”

“Because there were people who did come forward, people like Colonel [Alexander] Vindman and Fiona Hill who risked their careers,” Schiff said. “And he lacked that basic courage and patriotism. It was only the greed that made him come forward in this book.”

“What his lawyer was saying at the time was that Bolton might damage the presidency or he might violate his own oath and that’s why he needed to go to court. But apparently those things have given away to a book deal,” Schiff added.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on June 23, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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McEnany Crushes Bolton: Takes The Title Of ‘Most Disliked Man In America’ From Comey

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany criticized former National Security Adviser John Bolton, saying he had self-debunked his own book and was quickly becoming the most disliked man in America.

Bolton’s memoir, titled “The Room Where It Happened,” makes many dubious claims, including allegations that President Trump asked for help with his election from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends,” McEnany said previous claims by Bolton that the President was “perfectly prepared” and that he “understands President Reagan’s peace through strength” mantra, render his new allegations weak.

In fact, she expanded on that theme attacking Bolton’s reputation as a war hawk.

“He is a misguided hawk on foreign policy and a weak dove of an author,” Trump’s press secretary claimed.

RELATED: Trey Gowdy Mocks Bolton: Pecking Away In His Pajamas, Saving the Country For Only $29.95

Worse Than Comey?

McEnany pointed out that one simply needs to peruse past comments by Bolton prior to being fired that show his new bitter words can’t be trusted.

“This man is someone who praised President Trump as being strong on foreign policy, for not making the mistakes of previous administrations,” she said.

Now he’s going to claim the President sold America out to Xi?

McEnany proceeded to tackle the disdain on both sides of the aisle for Bolton, suggesting he had supplanted another universally despised figure.

“He’s discredited on both sides of the aisle and if you thought James Comey was the most disliked man in America,” she fired off, “I think John Bolton has taken that title.”

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Disliked Man

The thing is, McEnany is right.

Sure, once Democrats subpoena him and he provides some glimmer of hope for a new impeachment hoax, he’ll be heralded as courageous and noble.

But for now, even the likes of one Adam Schiff (D-CA) has been highly disdainful toward Bolton.

“When Bolton was asked [to testify], he refused, and said he’d sue if subpoenaed. Instead, he saved it for a book,” Schiff whined. “Bolton may be an author, but he’s no patriot.”

Even that was too much for former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who said his literary skills were suspect since he was “sitting in his pajamas pecking away on his iPad” rather than facing scrutiny before Congress.

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Trey Gowdy Mocks Bolton: Pecking Away In His Pajamas, Saving the Country For Only $29.95

Former South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy thoroughly shredded the integrity of John Bolton for thinking his book was a means to save the country from President Donald Trump.

Gowdy, with his usual rapier wit, pointed out what is true of most former administration members who are fired by the President – that he is seemingly only a threat when they’ve left the administration and have a book to sell.

James Comey and Omarosa come to mind.

Now Bolton joins the ranks of those former White House employees who have a story to tell, a story tainted by bitterness and the opportunity to make a quick buck.

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Calls Bolton Out

In an interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum, Gowdy was asked just how ‘damning’ he thought revelations from Bolton’s book might be to the President.

He essentially called Bolton a coward.

“If you really think he’s unfit to be the leader of the free world, why didn’t you say anything?” he pointed out.

“John Bolton’s argument now is that Trump is unfit for office and should be removed, that he’s committed high crimes and misdemeanors,” Gowdy continued.

The former Rep. explained that Bolton had opportunities to testify before the House, the Senate, or to even tell his story long ago to the mainstream media.

“But no, for $29.95, he’s going to save you from this existential threat to our republic,” derided Gowdy.

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Gowdy Continues Hammering Away

Gowdy proceeded to explain why it was an easier route for Bolton to publish a book rather than go before Congress and be hailed a hero by the left for his ‘courage’ in trying to take down the President.

And he did so with his usual sense of humor.

“He ain’t being cross-examined, he’s sitting in his pajamas pecking away on his iPad,” Gowdy ripped. “The power of cross-examination is you actually have to withstand the cauldron, withstand the heat of being questioned on it.”

“Anybody can write a book and make assertions,” he added.

In the book, Bolton, the former National Security Adviser, alleges that President Trump asked for help with his election from Chinese President Xi Jinping, that he was okay with him building concentration camps, and that he wanted to jail CNN reporters.

Again, if he honestly believed these things – why didn’t Bolton immediately resign and insist on testifying before Congress to save the country?

Even Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who wouldn’t dare turn his nose up at anything that he could possibly use to create another impeachment witch hunt wasn’t exactly praising Bolton.

“Bolton’s staff were asked to testify before the House to Trump’s abuses, and did. They had a lot to lose and showed real courage,” Schiff pecked away on his iPad.

“When Bolton was asked, he refused, and said he’d sue if subpoenaed. Instead, he saved it for a book,” he continued. “Bolton may be an author, but he’s no patriot.”

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Shifty Schiff: Coronavirus Deaths Fault Of Failure To Impeach Trump

Representative Adam Schiff put the blame for coronavirus deaths squarely on the fact that President Donald Trump was not impeached back in January.

Schiff: ‘Little Did We Know How Great The Casualties’ Of Impeachment Failure Would Be

Sparked off by a comment from MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell, Schiff went on an insane diatribe linking the casualties of coronavirus to the failed impeachment.

“We can’t act even slightly surprised by this because you told us this was going to happen in your argument in the Senate impeachment trial,” O’Donnell put to Schiff.

“Well, we certainly told the senators that he was not going to change, and there was no way to constrain him. That he is who he is, and he would continue to operate the way he had, and indeed, that’s exactly what we’ve seen since,” Schiff replied. “The one thing we dramatically understated is when we asked the question, ‘If you found him guilty, do you really need to remove him given there is another election only nine months away, how much damage could he really do?'”

“We said a lot, but little did we know just how great the casualties would be. Some days we lose the equivalent of the number of people we lost on 9/11,” Schiff claimed, with clearly no self-reflection. “You know, I think that there is no way we could have foreseen just how tragic his malfeasance would be in his remaining months in the administration.”

Absolutely Unhinged!

The RNC called Schiff’s arguments “unhinged” in their tweet covering his appearance, and I am very much inclined to agree. It’s completely deranged to not only put the blame for deaths from the coronavirus on President Trump, but also in the impeachment itself. Ironically, you can make a far more coherent case that the impeachment debacle actually distracted the attention of the Democrats in Congress from the growing threat of the pandemic back in January!

As Fox News host Sean Hannity pointed out on his March 16th show, Democrats weren’t interested in the coronavirus at all. When the first person with coronavirus entered the country on January 21st, the Democrats were “in the throes of an all-consuming, what has been the culmination of a three-year quest to impeach and throw Donald Trump out of office.” On January 23rd, when China sealed off the Hubei province, House impeachment managers were starting their opening arguments. And on January 31st, when President Trump issued the travel ban to and from China and declared a national health emergency, Democrats, including Schiff, were busy trying to impeach him.

Try denying that Schiff!

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