During a campaign rally in Gastonia, North Carolina on Wednesday, President Donald Trump called Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff a “watermelon head” for returning to his “Russia, Russia, Russia” talking points to attack him in this election.
Trump mocked the House Intelligence Chairman for believing that Hunter Biden’s recovered “laptop from hell” could be part of a Russian disinformation campaign.
Trump just called Adam Schiff a "watermelon head" pic.twitter.com/Rh16qcXRLW
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) October 21, 2020
RELATED: DNI John Ratcliffe Says ‘Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Not Part Of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’
Trump On Alleged Hunter Biden Laptop: ‘This Laptop Is A Disaster’
President Trump said that Schiff probably did not even believe what he was saying, noting that the Democrat was “no dummy.”
On Hunter Biden, Trump alleged, “Explosive emails from Hunter Biden also show that Hunter was negotiating with a Chinese are tied to the Communist China party to receive $10 million a year for introductions well that sounds reasonable I think you do that. I think I’d even do it.”
“This laptop is a disaster,” Trump added.
“How the hell do he ever let go of this sucker. He got to have it fixed I guess he forgot to pick it up. What the hell?”
— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 21, 2020
Adam Schiff Is A Habitual Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theorist
After that, the rally crowd began chanting, “Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up.”
Trump replied, “He should be. Honestly that guy should be locked up.”
Between the Democrats’ impeachment embarrassment and the latest controversy involving Hunter Biden, Rep. Schiff has been an unrelenting foe of this president.
Schiff was a leading proponent of the “Russian collusion” hoax, and so it should be no surprise he continues to do anything he can to undermine the Trump administration.
Schiff has already claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is a “Russian disinformation” smear – though Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says that is false.
Ratcliffe has said that not only does the intelligence community not believe that, but they have not shared any intelligence on the matter with Congress.
Trump refers to Rep. Adam Schiff as "the watermelonhead."
"No, he's like a watermelonhead," he emphasizes.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 21, 2020
RELATED: Adam Schiff Says ‘No Racist Appeal’ Or ‘Political Dirty Trick Beyond The Pale’ For Trump
Expect Schiff To Keep Attacking Trump
President Trump continues to campaign incessantly, per his Wednesday appearance in North Carolina, while his Democratic opponent continues to hide out in his basement.
How much will voters get that Donald Trump is out there working hard to earn their votes?
How much will they understand that Joe Biden is hiding out, because the less seen and heard he is, the better?
Time will tell.
In the meantime, “watermelon head” Adam Schiff will no doubt continue to do his worst and see Russian agents behind every bush and under every bed.
The post President Trump Unleashed: ‘Watermelon Head’ Adam Schiff ‘Should Be Locked Up’ appeared first on The Political Insider.