On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told a reporter that President Joe Biden could still achieve “unity” with 74 million supporters of Donald Trump even while encouraging the Senate to move forward with an impeachment trial of the former president.
Ami magazine’s Jake Turx asked Psaki during the daily White House press briefing, “Does the president believe he can attain unity with the 74 million Trump voters while urging his allies in the Senate to hold an impeachment trial after his predecessor has already left office?”
Watch the exchange below.
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Psaki: Biden ‘Is Speaking To All Of The American People’
Psaki responded, “Well, the president believes he was elected by 81 million Americans in part because they believed he was somebody who could help bring the country together, unify the country around addressing the crises we face.”
“And when he talks every day, nearly, about getting the pandemic under control, putting people back to work, he is not just speaking to people who voted for him,” she added.
Then Psaki addressed Biden’s approach to Trump supporters.
The press secretary said Biden, “is speaking to all of the American people, including the 74 million who didn’t vote for him.”
Despite calls for unity, @PressSec Jen Psaki, says President @JoeBiden won't ask Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi to drop the impeachment effort against Donald Trump.
She said Biden's view is "the way to bring the country together, is to address the problems we are facing." pic.twitter.com/fgJy639tZ7
— KUSI News (@KUSINews) January 21, 2021
How many of those 74 million voters honestly feel like Biden is speaking for or looking out for them?
Psaki continued, “And certainly addressing the pandemic, making, insuring people that don’t worry about the health and safety of their grandparents, of their sisters and brothers, getting kids back to school — that is not a partisan position.”
When asked if an impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump would undercut a message of unity, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said ignoring all that he did would be ‘harmful to unity’ https://t.co/rCj2idkF9i pic.twitter.com/ubQwsM6nfD
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 21, 2021
Psaki Does Not Seem To See A Problem
She then insisted the president was standing up for all Americans.
“That is a leadership position, and one he’s taking because he wants to make sure he’s delivering for all the American people,” Psaki finished.
The Senate proceeded with impeachment plans on Tuesday after a motion by Sen. Rand Paul to dismiss the trial failed 55-45 with five Republicans crossing over to vote with the Democrats.
Paul had raised a point of order on the constitutionality of the trial, given that President Trump is already out of office and is now a private citizen.
Watch Psaki’s comments here, beginning at 1:09:55
The post WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki: Even With Impeachment, Biden Can Reach ‘Unity’ With Trump Supporters appeared first on The Political Insider.