Americans love reality TV. Oh sure, we can post our own families’ dirty laundry on social media, or find the truly weird in our own daily lives, but watching the antics of other peoples’ sketchy, eye-rolling, family dramas is way more appealing.
Perhaps it affirms for us that we are not alone in having to corral and deal with the less-than-desirable elements in our lives. It makes us feel better about our own circumstances.
But for those who have relatively normal and boring family lives, America has its very own reality show: the latest episode of the Democrat politicians and the wacky things they say and do that they think Americans will actually embrace whole heartedly.
To be more specific, I am talking about American politics’ First Family of reality TV. No not the Bidens, although they do have quite a few reality TV show elements – just look at Hunter.
No, the first family of political reality TV is of course, “The Squad.”
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The Origins Of America’s Reality TV
Most average Americans, if there is any weirdness to be found in their family tree, have a pretty good idea of how it got there. When it comes to politics, the conventional wisdom is that it takes a special kind of person to run for office.
What that usually means is a person who isn’t overly-caring of their fellow citizens. What it usually means is the kind of person with an ego big enough to think they are the only ones who can save the district, state, country from impending doom.
The newest Squad reality TV show started in New York City. (Where else?) A 29-year old bartender named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat out a long-time incumbent for her congressional seat. At the time of her election, she was the youngest member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
But then things started to happen. Things on Twitter that made conservatives cringe and liberals giddy. She described herself, like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, as a “Democratic Socialist.”
What the hell is a “democratic socialist,” you ask? It is a Socialist who is too afraid to come right out and say they are a Socialist.
And if that wasn’t enough to make you scratch your head, there’s the “Green New Deal.” Trillions of dollars for things like “net zero” emissions, choo-choo trains, and solar panels.
After all, don’t forget, we will all be dead in 12 years if we don’t Save the Planet.
The 12 year deadline never seems to come, does it?
Rational people dared to ask, “But who will pay for all of this?” Ocasio-Cortez’s answer: “Some people are like, ‘Oh, it’s unrealistic, oh it’s fake, oh it doesn’t address this little minute thing. And I’m like, ‘You try! You do it.’ ‘Cause you’re not. ‘Cause you’re not. So, until you do it, I’m the boss. How ’bout that?”
The boss? Perhaps Boston University should have required a course on Civics as well.
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Reality TV Has To Keep Uping The Ante
Just when you get used to a certain level of crazy, it gets better. Reality TV requires new and absurd drama to keep viewers locked in.
Now AOC had buddies in the form of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). For those old enough to remember, it’s starting to look like those old “Road To” movies with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope, or even the Three Stooges, only without the ensuing hilarity.
At a Counsel On American-Islamic Relations event in 2019, Omar famously described the attacks on 9/11 thusly, “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something.”
Tlaib is no better. After being sworn into Congress in January 2019, Tlaib said that when her young son asked her if bullies win, her answer to him was that they don’t, and speaking of President Donald Trump continued, “Baby, they don’t,’ because we’re gonna go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherf****r.”
Hey Rashida, do you kiss your son with that mouth?
The recent attacks by the terrorist group Hamas on Israel have also brought out the “best” of Omar and Tlaib.
Unfortunately sometimes, the crazy isn’t just wacky, it’s downright dangerous.
Does it get better you ask? Oh yes it does. Not wanting to let decent crazy go to waste, a fourth Squad member, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), when recounting the riot on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, told MSNBC’s Joy Reid that she felt “deep ancestral fear.”
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The Craziest Of All?
But perhaps nowhere in the history of political instability is the crazy more on display than the newest member of the Squad, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO).
An in-your-face Black Lives Matter activist, Bush is famous for standing outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey with a bullhorn with a group of 300 or so protesters who came through a gate of their private street.
The McCloskeys now-famously stood in front of their house armed with a pistol and rifle.
The cherry on this crazy cake comes from a report in the Washington Free Beacon that reveals that Bush has worked as a “faith healer” for a group that claims to have cured AIDS, cancer, and yes even COVID-19. Apparently, they have also claimed to resurrect the dead.
The report continues, with the head of the “church,” Charles Ndifon describing a phone call with Bush. Ndifon claims to have cured her of COVID within 30 minutes through the phone.
Bush also started a chapter of the church in St. Louis in 2011.
Kingdom Embassy Churches are headquartered in Rhode Island, and while Ndifon says he does not take a salary, he does mange to stay in luxury hotels and wear designer suits. Praise Jesus.
Ironically, curing COVID over the phone is far more realistic and plausible than the Squad’s economic ideas.
Bush also recently made headlines when she referred to mothers on the eve of Mother’s Day as “birthing people.”
What will she call fathers next month? “Impregnating people?”
The examples are far too numerous to chronicle here. One merely needs to plug in a Squad members name into the Twitter search bar to find countless instances ranging from the bizarre and absurd to downright silly.
One thing is for certain: the Squad reality show will go on. All are in deep-blue, safe Democrat districts.
You’ll have to keep tuning in to see what new preposterous drama they’ll cook up next!
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The post The Squad: America’s Worst, Dumbest Reality Show appeared first on The Political Insider.