Barrett Shines In Final Day of Questioning Before The Senate

On Wednesday Judge Amy Coney Barrett again triumphed over Democrat attempts to get her to comment on matters that could potentially be before the high court.

Barrett Shines On Final Day Of Questioning 

In her final day of Senate questioning she constantly told Democrat senators she couldn’t give an opinion on their contrived questions. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from asking them.

Barrett sounded sharp and looked perfect. The Democrats looked bored and sounded beaten and depressed. But the Right is crowing over Barrett’s performance and rightfully so.


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham opened up the day:

“This is history being made, folks. This is the first time in American history that we’ve nominated a woman unashamedly pro-life and embraces her faith without apology and she’s going to the court.

It will be a great signal to all young women who want to share your view of the world that there’s a seat at the table for them.”

Democrats Question Barrett

Then the questions began. There were a Democrat litany of them.

Democrat Senator Leahy of Vermont asked, “And does the president have an absolute right to pardon himself for a crime? I mean, we certainly heard this question after President Nixon’s impeachment.”

“Sen. Leahy so far as I know that question has never been litigated, that question has never risen,” Barrett replied. “That question may or may not arise, but it’s one that calls for a legal analysis of what the scope of the pardon power is.”

“So because it would be opining on an open question when I haven’t gone through the judicial process to decide it, it’s not one on which I can offer a view,” she added. 

RELATED: Amy Coney Barrett Responds To Far-Left Attack On Her Family For Adopting Black Children

Barrett said no can do at least a dozen times during the day. But the Democrats had nothing else better to do. So they kept on asking.

Ted Cruz said Democrats “are out of arguments to challenge Judge Barrett’s nomination, so aren’t bothering to show up…It is striking that as we sit here right now in this committee room, there are only two Democratic senators in the room. If you look at the dais, there’s chair after chair after chair that is empty. The Democratic senators are no longer even attending.”

Yup, they’ve given up.

Democrats Flounder 

Democrat Senator Klobuchar said, “Are absentee ballots, better known as mail-in ballots, an essential way for voters to vote right now?”

“That’s a matter of policy that I can’t express a view,” Judge Barrett replied, again.

Democrat Senator Coons of Delaware asked Barrett to explain legal consequences of thinking like Justice Scalia. Barrett was not amused with Coons.

“I hope that you aren’t suggesting that I don’t have my own mind or that I couldn’t think independently or that I would just decide, let me see what Justice Scalia has said about this in the past, because I assure you I have my own mind,” Barrett said.

“But everything that he said is not necessarily what I would agree with or what I would do if I were Justice Barrett,” she added. 

RELATED: Democratic Senator Asks Amy Coney Barrett If She’s Ever Committed Sexual Assault – It Immediately Backfires On Her

Democrat Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut asked, “Do you agree with the president on his views of climate change?”

“I don’t know that I have seen the president’s expression of his views on climate change,” Judge Barrett said.

Senator Booker of New Jersey said, “But do you think it’s wrong to separate children from their parents to deter immigrants from coming to the United States?”

Barrett responded, “Sen. Booker, that’s been a matter of policy debate and you know, obviously, that’s a matter of hot political debate, in which I can’t express a view or be drawn into as a judge.”

And again and again in that same manner. They ask an inappropriate question. She says she can’t comment. Kamala Harris tried to rope her into an idiotic question and answer session. Barrett deftly demurred. And so on it went.

At the end of the day, as opposed to the Kavanaugh hearings, there was little rancor, as the Democrats had clearly folded their tent. It’s all over but the final vote. Probably 52-48 for confirmation.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on October 15, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
Wisconsin Burns While Rioters Control The Streets
Barrett Shines And Democrats Attack Trump on First Day of Confirmation Hearings
Trump Eviscerates Democrats For Handling Of Amy Coney Barrett Hearings

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If Biden Won’t Tell You Where He Stands on Packing the Supreme Court, He Doesn’t Deserve Your Vote

It is hard to imagine a serious candidate for President refusing to tell you where he stands on the future of the Supreme Court of the United States, but here we are.

On Thursday, former Vice President Joe Biden was – once again – asked whether or not he would support legislation to pack the Supreme Court with additional Justices.

Biden’s response was, “You’ll know my position on court-packing the day after the election.”

RELATED: Biden Refuses To Reveal His Stance On Packing Supreme Court Until After Election

Biden Is Trying To Hide His Views On Court Packing

Biden’s justification for refusing to tell voters where he stands on the future of the Supreme Court until after he is elected is, in his own words, “The moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that rather than focusing on what’s happening now.”

Court-packing was attempted once before.

In 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed expanding the Supreme Court to include as many as 15 justices in response to a series of rulings finding that certain parts of Roosevelt’s New Deal program were unconstitutional.

During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government.

Flushed with his landslide reelection in 1936, President Roosevelt issued a proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70.

If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority.

Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan.

Until very recently, Roosevelt’s court-packing effort was viewed as one of FDR’s most high-profile missteps and almost universally dismissed by historians and legal scholars as a terrible idea.

The current court-packing scheme is supported by liberals who once described court-packing as “institutionally corrosive” and “politically unserious.”

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Why Support Court Packing Now? The Reason Is Simple

What was institutionally corrosive has suddenly become a cause celebre on the left for one reason: conservatives are poised to take control of the Court for a generation.

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to replace her poses an existential threat to liberals’ control over their favorite and most reliable weapon: the Supreme Court.

With prominent liberals pushing for court-packing and with polling showing that 60% of Democrats support the court-packing scheme, you would think that the Democratic nominee for President would take a position, one way or the other, on the issue.

Alas, Joe Biden refuses to.

Biden’s refusal, and the refusal of his running mate Kamala Harris, to take a position on the future of the Supreme Court is not simply unacceptable.

It is disqualifying.

Democrats are telling voters that the future of same-sex marriage, healthcare, abortion, and the environment all hang in the balance as a result of the vacancy on the Supreme Court.

“You Have To Vote For Joe Biden So You Can Find Out What’s In Him”

They are doing this while their own nominee refuses to even answer the question about whether or not he would support efforts to pack the Supreme Court.

Biden’s outrageous response recalls Nancy Pelosi’s now infamous line about Obamacare:

“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

It’s absolutely preposterous. The American people deserve to know where a Presidential candidate stands on the future of the Supreme Court.

RELATED: Kamala Harris Didn’t Make One Mention Of Impeachment During Debate – But Mike Pence Did

By nominating Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump has told the American people exactly what kind of Supreme Court they would get by voting for him.

Joe Biden is refusing to do the same.

If you can’t tell voters where you stand on an issue as critical as this – you don’t deserve to be President.

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Dems Want To Be In Control So Badly, Their Screw-Ups Are Becoming Legendary

There is no single problem in America that is not either caused by or made worse by the Democratic Party.

The irony is that we pay (taxes) to maintain the Democratic Party. The Party’s liberalism cannot fund itself.

Liberalism generates no wealth, much less any surplus. It uses taxpayer-financed programs to buy votes.

All that the Democratic Party brings to America’s ‘table’ is redistribution and ‘need.’ All it needs is a wealthy host and a news media to lie for it.

Its action in the streets and the Congress clarifies that they see the Constitution as an impediment.

The ‘Rule of Law’ is a ‘Lawfare‘ tool to the left.

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Every talking point, from race to economics, education, and applying the law that makes up the mantras of the Left can be factually refuted.

Without the pro-Democrat News Media’s selective outrage, lies, and convenient omissions, there would be no Democratic Party. Reality would crush them.

The irony continues with the Democrat’s anti-Business and anti-growth orientation.

They see Capitalism as the problem which liberalism defends us from. The truth is that without Capitalism, the Democratic Party’s vote-buying liberalism would starve to death.

It’s clear to me: The only existential danger to America and the Constitution is the Democratic Party and those who vote to enable it.

Democrats Want To Be In Control

The only thing the Dems care about is getting back in control of the federal government again.

And they don’t seem to care how many buildings get burned down or how many bodies they have to step over to get that power back.

Once they get back in power, I predict they’ll radically change the entire system to make sure they never lose another election ever again.

After that, they can drive the entire country straight into the ground, and nobody will be able to stop them.

Think: eliminate the Electoral College, popular vote elections, ballot harvesting, national mail-in voting, stack the Supreme Court with radical activist Judges, pay reparations, confiscate firearms, and open up the borders.

The Jig Is Up

From where I’m standing, it’s plain that the Democrats are blinded by their hatred of everything good, wholesome, lovely, etc., and so blinded that they project their evil intent on others (for example: Republicans want to push granny off the cliff).

Because of this, they cannot anticipate consequences like we usually do. I know that, if I throw a brick at a cop, I’m going to jail.

They think they are immune from reality.

Burning down buildings and then the buildings and businesses magically reappear? True, in their world.

READ: Supreme Court Pick 2020: The Dems Can’t Win For Losing, And It’s Hilarious

Since they loathe any military/police, they cannot conceive of the possibility that these entities may be used to round them up and put them before a judge.

My most fervent wish is that trials for sedition would begin and move swiftly. After all, our wishes should be honored.

Pelosi Knows That It’s Over

Watching Rep. Nancy Pelosi during her weekly press briefing only shows me that it’s obvious that she is seeing the death of the Democrat Party.

Nancy’s last resort was another impeachment, but I think she only backed off on that because Democrats would remove her for it. Such a move would endanger every Democrat’s reelection on November 3rd.

I’m convinced something big has happened in the House behind the scenes, and Pelosi is visibly shaken by it.

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Americans Are Waking Up

People are not taking the veiled threats to burn cities down if they don’t win the White House very well.

The threats are backfiring, and the Democrats must be seeing this in the polls.

President Trump will not lay down and let Democrats steal the election by mail-in ballot box stuffing.

He is not going to hand America over to Communists, especially if it’s due to the results of a stolen election.

If Martial Law is declared, a proper, in-person, ID-required election can be held within 30 days, and we can have the results of a fair, legal, and documented election before Christmas!


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It’s Starting: Democrats Introduce Bill To Limit Supreme Court Terms

Amid calls for significant changes to the Supreme Court and Senate, Democrats are set to introduce a bill next week that would set Supreme Court term limits at 18 years.

Term Limits For SCOTUS

The Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act, according to Reuters, will be introduced by Democrats next Tuesday.

It would set term limits for the Supreme Court at 18 years, and allow every President to appoint to nominate two justices per term.

“It would save the country a lot of agony and help lower the temperature over fights for the court that go to the fault lines of cultural issues and is one of the primary things tearing at our social fabric,” said Democrat Representative Ro Khanna.

Khanna will introduce the bill along with Representatives Joe Kennedy III and Don Beyer.

The bill would exempt current justices from the rules. Justices who finish their term would retire from the Supreme Court and then rotate to lower courts.

“That’s perfectly consistent with their judicial independence and having a lifetime salary and a lifetime appointment,” Khanna argued.

RELATED: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Daughter Claims She Didn’t Retire Because She Wanted Hillary To Name Successor

Democrats Demand Court Packing

This is not the only thing that Democrats have been demanding regarding the Supreme Court.

Representative Kennedy wrote on Twitter that if President Trump and the Republicans held a vote for his Supreme Court nominee this year, they would simply pack the court in 2021.

This sentiment has been echoed by other Democrats. “Mitch McConnell set the precedent,” Senate candidate Ed Markey tweeted.

“No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year. If he violates it… we must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.”

Representative Jerry Nadler joined the calls.

If McConnell “were to force through a nominee during the lame duck session—before a new Senate and President can take office—then the incoming Senate should immediately move to expand the Supreme Court,” Nadler wrote.

RELATED: President Trump: If Dems Use Impeachment To Block Supreme Court Nomination, “We Win”

Schumer: “Nothing Is Off The Table”

Democrats are fuming that President Trump and Mitch McConnell have the gall to use their constitutional powers to nominate and confirm a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

It’s not the first time that there has been a nominee in an election year, and it won’t be the last.

They forget that Merrick Garland was not voted on because the Senate and Presidency were split. That is not the case this time.

Some legal scholars argue that a constitutional amendment is needed to set term limits for Supreme Court justices.

It is unclear from the Reuters article whether or not Representative Khanna has been challenged about the issue.

Senator Chuck Schumer said that “nothing was off the table.” I believe him.

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Senate Republicans Can Do What They Want, Democrats Already Shot the Hostage

After the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Senate Democrats vowed “nothing was off the table” if President Trump nominated a replacement for Ginsburg and the Republican-controlled Senate confirmed that nominee.

Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer said, “Let me be clear: If Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans move forward with this, then nothing is off the table for next year. Nothing is off the table.”

RELATED: Schumer Vows To Use ‘Every Tool In The Toolkit’ To Delay Trump Supreme Court Nominee

Democrats’ Extreme Lengths To Stop Trump

The “nothing is off the table” threat is a grab bag of left-wing priorities:

Packing the Supreme Court with additional justices, ending the filibuster in the Senate, statehood for Puerto Rico, and statehood for the District of Columbia.

Nancy Pelosi one-upped her Senate colleague, going as far as to threaten to impeach President Trump and/or the Attorney General to try and stop confirmation of a new Justice.

From Vox: ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Pelosi about the idea floated by some activists that Democrats could use impeachment hearings against Trump or Attorney General Bill Barr to tie up the Senate if Republicans try to push through a nomination during a lame-duck session (after a potential win for Democrats in Congress and the White House).

“Well, we have our options,” Pelosi replied. “We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country. 

“This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made.”

NeverTrump Republicans Already Surrendering?

Some on the establishment right immediately responded to the threats by suggesting the GOP negotiate with Democrats.

NeverTrumper David French suggested that Trump make his pick, the Senate proceeds to hold hearings on the nominee, but that the Senate only confirms his pick if Trump is re-elected.

French explicitly says the reason for this compromise is because of Democratic threats:

After all, while much can happen between now and November 3rd, the Democrats may well hold the House, narrowly take control of the Senate, and win the White House.

At that point, they’d have the legal and constitutional power to not just reverse conservative control of the Court by amending the law to increase the number of Supreme Court seats (a process popularly known as “court-packing”), they could also permanently alter the balance of power in the Senate by admitting new states – namely Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.

While some conservatives have attempted to counter French by arguing the Reaganesque “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” line, I would take it one step further:

Senate Republicans can – and should – do whatever they want, Democrats have already shot the hostage.

Let’s be clear, absolutely everything the Democrats have threatened to do if Republicans proceed with the nomination, they will do if they take power – regardless of whether Republicans play nice or not.

Democrats Will Not Respect Norms – Vote On Trump’s Nominee

If Joe Biden wins in November and if Democrats maintain majority in the House and retake the Senate, they will eliminate the filibuster, move to pack the Court, press forward on statehood for Puerto Rico, and do the same for the District of Columbia.

Hell, Democrats have already impeached the President for purely political reasons.

As Maya Angelou famously said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Democrats have shown the American people time and time again exactly who they are – and it is time we believe them.

RELATED: Gowdy Hammers Biden – If You Don’t Want Trump Picking Supreme Court Justices, Win An Election

Joe Biden won’t answer questions about things like Court packing because he doesn’t want to tell the American people the truth, which is: if he can do, it he absolutely will.

I firmly believe that Donald Trump will be re-elected in November – in spite of Democratic shenanigans – but if for some reason the President isn’t re-elected, a conservative Supreme Court majority for a generation would certainly be the most important and lasting piece of President Trump’s legacy.

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Pelosi Backs Down, Says She Won’t Try Impeaching Trump Again: Not ‘Worth The Trouble’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) backed down on Thursday and revealed that she won’t actually try and impeach President Donald Trump for a second time to block him from nominating someone to the Supreme Court.

“I Don’t Think He’s Worth The Trouble”

“I don’t think he’s worth the trouble at this point, we have 40 days until the election,” Pelosi told reporters when asked if she will be trying to impeach the president again“It’s no use orchestrating one thing or another when what really matters in terms of the peaceful transfer of power is that people vote.”

RELATED: AOC, Pelosi Hint Impeachment Should Be Considered To Stop Trump Supreme Court Selection

This comes days after Pelosi hinted in an interview that impeachment was not off the table, saying, “we have arrows in our quiver.”

“We have our options,” she told television host George Stephanopoulos. “This president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election with statements that he and his henchmen have made. Right now, our main goal — and I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg would want that to be to protect the integrity of the election — that we protect the American people from the coronavirus.”

Kevin McCarthy Fires Back

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) fired back by warning that he will introduce a motion to oust Pelosi if she dares to launch a second impeachment inquiry.

“I will make you this one promise, listening to the speaker on television this weekend, if she tries to move for an impeachment based upon the president following the Constitution, I think there will be a move on the floor to no longer have the question of her being Speaker. She may think she has a quiver — we do too,” McCarthy told reporters.

RELATED: Kevin McCarthy: We’ll Oust Nancy Pelosi If She Tries To Impeach Trump Over SCOTUS Pick

As for Trump, he plans to move forward with announcing his nominee on Saturday to fill the Supreme Court seat that was left vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“I think it will be on Friday or Saturday and we want to pay respect, it looks like we will have services on Thursday or Friday, as I understand it, and I think we should, with all due respect for Justice Ginsburg, wait for services to be over,” Trump said.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on September 24, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
Kayleigh McEnany Slaps Down CNN’s Jim Acosta For Ridiculous Trump Question
Woman Who Allegedly Tried To Assassinate Trump By Sending Him Poison Is Identified
College Professor Uses Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death Shameful Attack On Conservatives

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Kevin McCarthy: We’ll Oust Nancy Pelosi If She Tries To Impeach Trump Over SCOTUS Pick

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy threatened to oust Nancy Pelosi if she attempts to impeach Trump as a means to stop his Supreme Court nominee.

Pelosi, in an interview earlier this week with ABC News’ “This Week,” refused to rule out impeachment of the President or Attorney General William Barr to halt the nomination.

“We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now, but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country,” the House Speaker stated.

“Listening to the speaker on television this weekend – if she tries to move for an impeachment based upon the president following the Constitution, I think there will be a move on the floor to no longer have the question of her being Speaker,” McCarthy threatened.

“She may think she has a quiver — we do too,” he told reporters.

RELATED: AOC, Pelosi Hint Impeachment Should Be Considered To Stop Trump Supreme Court Selection

Kevin McCarthy Explains Why He’ll Oust Nancy Pelosi

McCarthy proceeded to explain why Pelosi’s threat to impeach – a process typically reserved for high crimes and misdemeanors – would lead to her being ousted.

“The president is supposed to move forward and they will,” he said noting it is Trump’s Constitutional duty to select a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the SCOTUS.

“The Senate is supposed to take the action and they will — it’s their constitutional right and they are following through,” he added.

“If Pelosi and House Democrats try to impeach the president, we will take the movement to remove her from speakership,” he reiterated.

RELATED: Tucker Exposes Democrats’ Plan To Stop Trump’s SCOTUS Pick – ‘Burn The Entire F***ing Thing Down’

Pelosi and the Democrats Will Do Anything to Stop Trump From Filling the SCOTUS Vacancy

Impeachment hasn’t been the only arrow in the quiver that Pelosi and the Democrats have threatened to use if they don’t get their way.

Should Trump lose and Democrats regain control of both Houses of Congress, they’ve made it clear they’ll consider packing the Supreme Court with more liberal judges.

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler called on his colleagues to do just that.

Joe Biden said in 2019 that Democrats would “live to rue that day” should they decide to pack the Supreme Court.

More recently, the Democrat nominee has declined to answer the question saying it would distract from the issue at hand.

The late Justice Ginsburg, in an interview with NPR last year, opposed the idea of expanding the court.

“Nine seems to be a good number. It’s been that way for a long time,” she said, adding, “I think it was a bad idea when President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court.”

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Schumer Vows To Use ‘Every Tool In The Toolkit’ To Delay Trump Supreme Court Nominee

On MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show” on Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Senate Democrats “will use every tool in the toolkit” to prevent or delay Republicans from filling the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“We have tactical options to slow them down,” Schumer explained. “We will use every tool in the toolkit.”


RELATED: Trump Dares Pelosi To Try Impeachment Again: ‘Go Ahead’

Did Chuck Schumer Forget President Obama Nominated His Own Supreme Court Pick Before The 2016 Presidential Election?

He continued, “Now, admittedly, McConnell has changed things, changed the rules, so we have fewer tools and they’re less sharp, but every tool we have we will use. Today, we delayed committees going into effect. We had the right to do that and we did it.”

“Tonight, we’re on the floor taking up all the time on the floor to talk about how bad this potential nominee — and there will be many other things that we can use,” Schumer vowed. “You’ll see them in the days ahead.”


Democrats Forge Unified Front Against Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee

Schumer’s plans are just the latest example of Democratic leaders coming out in force against President Trump doing his constitutional duty in selecting a justice to fill the newly opened seat.

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is calling for the SCOTUS choice to be delayed until after the election, despite his administration nominating judge Merrick Garland for an open seat on the high court right before the 2016 presidential election. A Republican-controlled Senate blocked President Obama’s nominee.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went on a wild rant Monday about the alleged threat to America’s “children” Trump’s court choice poses.

RELATED: Pelosi on Filling the SCOTUS Seat: Republicans Are ‘Coming After Your Children’

“They are on a path to undo the Affordable Care Act. They are on a path to undo a woman’s right to choose,” Pelosi told MSNBC.

Pelosi added, “They’re coming after your children. Protect your children from what they are trying to do in this court.”

There’s no telling what kinds of unhinged things Democrats will continue to say and do as this process moves forward.

President Trump has said he will name his Supreme Court nominee at 5 PM ET on Saturday.

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‘Thanks Mitt!’: Trump Praises Romney For Supporting Him On Vacant SCOTUS Seat Vote

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump thanked Senator Mitt Romney for saying he would support a Senate vote on his Supreme Court nominee choice.

“He was very good today, I have to tell you, he was good,” Trump said during his rally Tuesday night in Moon Township, Pennsylvania. “Now I’m happy. Thank you Mitt. Thank you.”

RELATED: Romney Says He Will Support Senate Vote On Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

‘Thanks Mitt!’

Romney said in a statement on Tuesday, “The Constitution gives the President the power to nominate and the Senate the authority to provide advice and consent on Supreme Court nominees. Accordingly, I intend to follow the Constitution and precedent in considering the President’s nominee.”

“If the nominee reaches the Senate floor, I intend to vote based upon their qualifications,” Romney added.

Trump Calls Out Romney For His Impeachment Vote

But Trump did remind his rally supporters that one Republican senator voted for one of the House’s articles of “fake impeachment” against the President.

“Who was the half? I can’t imagine” Trump said, without naming Romney.

Trump praised Republicans for generally being unified regarding his upcoming Supreme Court pick to fill the vacant seat left by the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

RELATED: Joe Biden Says Voters Shouldn’t Know Who He Would Appoint To Supreme Court

‘We’re Going To Pick An Incredible, Brilliant Woman And Watch The Abuse She Will Take’

But Trump also alluded to two Republicans who have publicly said whoever wins the election should make the choice – Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins.

“There’s always got to be the two, those two,” Trump said.

President Trump said again that he planned to announce his SCOTUS pick on Saturday.

“We’re going to pick an incredible, brilliant woman and watch the abuse she will take,” Trump said, predicting Democratic opposition will be fierce during the confirmation hearings.

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College Professor Uses Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death To Launch Shameful Attack On Trump Supporters

A professor at the University of Alabama-Birmingham just shamelessly used the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to launch a deranged attack on the millions of supporters of President Donald Trump.

Professor Pays Tribute To RBG

Professor Sarah Parcak initially reacted to Ginsburg’s death in a classy way, paying tribute to the late 87 year-old justice.

“She hung on as long as she could. Icon. Genius. Loving wife, mother, grandmother.” Parcak tweeted. “Powerful arbiter of truth and justice, even when she was in the minority. In her honor, dig deep, fight like hell, VOTE. #rbg”

Had she left it at that, there would have been nothing to see here. However, Parcak just could not resist taking the death of an 87 year-old woman and using it to fuel her anti-Trump hatred as she attacked his supporters.

Professor Uses RBG’s Death To Attack Trump Supporters

Somehow, Parcak managed to turn a tribute to Ginsburg’s love of physical fitness into a below-the-belt assault on those who support the president.

“RBG planked for a minute for multiple sets at AGE 86 and did tons of pushups,” Parcak tweeted. “She was stronger in her mid 80’s than any M*GA f*ckstick bootlicker could ever dream of. Take that energy with you tonight and always into the voting booth, the polls, and online to donate.”

RELATED: Professor At Texas A&M Says It Was ‘Good News’ GOP Rep. Gohmert Got Coronavirus: Hopes ‘Fat Klansman’ Trump Gets It Too

Parcak appears to have no shame about this tweet, as it has been up for four days and she seems to have no plans to delete it. Instead, she returned to Twitter two days later to launch an apparent attack on conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Imagine a SCOTUS filled with qualified judges and not rapist drunken abusers,” Parcak tweeted, referring to the unfounded claims made by Democrats against Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings.

Other Professors Are Doing This As Well

College professors launching deranged attacks on Trump and his supporters is unfortunately quite common these days. Just last week, we reported on a Marshall University professor who was suspended after saying that she hopes all Trump supporters catch coronavirus and “die before the election.”

It’s absolutely terrifying that these lunatics are the academics shaping the minds of the next generation.

READ NEXT: African History Professor Admits She’s Pretended To Be Black For Years

This piece was written by James Samson on September 23, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
Trump Fires Back After Obama Says He Shouldn’t Fill SCOTUS Vacancy
Salon Owner Who Exposed Nancy Pelosi Defiantly Plans To Reopen Her Business
Pelosi Threatens Another Impeachment Over High Court Seat

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