Category: Iowa Caucuses
Buttigieg Hit By New Hampshire Feminists
By David Kamioner | February 7, 2020
Pity Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
He goes out of his way to be as PC as is humanly possible and he still can’t please the assorted fever swamps of the left. I mean, what more can he do?
Granted, he abused their sensibilities by serving his nation in uniform, does not support the complete socialization of American healthcare, and may actually have working cognitive abilities, as he was a Rhodes Scholar.
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But on the other hand to progressives he’s fashionably gay, his dad was a Marxist professor, he supports partial birth abortion, he thinks climate change is a real thing, and generally toes most of the rest of the ridiculous leftist line.
And, as was the smart move, he saw how well he was doing in Iowa and declared victory. That got him what momentum there was to be had out of the caucus disaster.
However, some women who are Warren and Klobuchar pawns are going after him for “white male privilege” for calling himself an Iowa winner.
They think this was quite presumptuous on his part and thus nasty toxic male behavior. Not really, they just want to beat him in New Hampshire and will do or say anything to do it.
Here’s one of the coddled feminist mouthpieces, former Democratic NH House Speaker Terie Norelli, playing the victim card, “I think that’s just a symptom of white male privilege, right? You guys don’t even realize what’s happening, because you are privileged to be able to walk through this world in the way that you do. And so whether it’s gender privilege, or skin color privilege, or wealth privilege, and I think people who have privilege generally, are often not even aware of it and certainly are generally not willing to give it up.”
Yeah Terie, politicians like you have no privilege at all, right?
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Noted social commentator and American Greatness writer Elizabeth Fortunato puts it this way, “Buttigieg’s pandering vexes feminists and he forces to the surface the sibling rivalries on the progressive left.”
She nails it.
To the radical feminist left he may be a liberal gay guy who they agree with 80% of the time. But more importantly, he’s still a guy. Thus they can tag him as a serial toxic oppressor of all of harpydom only worthy of disdain, calumny, and electoral loss.
Sorry Pete. Gals can be tough, huh?
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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New video shows Pelosi practicing ripping up Trump’s State of The Union speech
Ex-Spokesman for Romney campaign says Trump guilty vote was ‘motivated by bitterness and jealousy’
Meghan McCain Eviscerates Joy Behar After She Expresses Hopes Trump Will Go ‘Completely Nuts’ During State Of The Union
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Latest Democratic Excuse For Iowa Debacle Is… It’s Trump’s Fault
By David Kamioner | February 6, 2020
Apparently, according to the Democrats, President Trump is all seeing and all knowing. Because that would be the only way he could be held responsible for the complete catastrophe that was the Iowa Democratic caucuses.
But because blaming the president has become an autonomic function for Democrats, some of them are putting out a fantasy retelling of the Iowa mishap that blames Donald Trump for the assisted suicide that was the Democratic Party contest.
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It reminds me of the reaction pals of mine had to the film “The DaVinci Code.” I had relatively recently converted to Roman Catholicism and rather gullible friends took the fun but silly fiction as close to fact in regards to the Vatican.
In the movie, Paul Bettany plays an albino Vatican assassin named Silas who goes about killing enemies of the honchos of the RC Church. When certain associates asked how I could join a faith that probably had albino hit men, I gave them the same response I have to the possibility that the president remotely wrecked the Democratic Iowa caucuses.
If only…
The new excuse for the debacle is based around the completely uncorroborated report that evil Trump elves flooded phone lines reserved for Democratic precinct chairs with calls that praised the president. This then held up all results because the proper people could not get through to report their data.
Uh huh, sure.
Interestingly, they must have missed reports that the app used in the caucus voting was developed by former Clinton staffers and that the firm that owns the app has an executive that is the spouse of a top Buttigieg aide. News of that, of course, has sent the Sanders people into ballistic orbits of justified paranoia.
The very latest data on the Iowa misadventure is that Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez wants a mulligan and advocates doing the whole thing again.
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He tweeted on Thursday, “Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.”
Too little too late, Tom. The 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses will go down as yet more proof, as if any more was needed, that state and national Democrats are not up to successfully running a simple ballot contest, much less the United States of America.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
Read more at LifeZette:
New video shows Pelosi practicing ripping up Trump’s State of The Union speech
Ex-Spokesman for Romney campaign says Trump guilty vote was ‘motivated by bitterness and jealousy’
Meghan McCain Eviscerates Joy Behar After She Expresses Hopes Trump Will Go ‘Completely Nuts’ During State Of The Union
The post Latest Democratic Excuse For Iowa Debacle Is… It’s Trump’s Fault appeared first on The Political Insider.
Biden Takes Major Hit in Iowa
By David Kamioner | February 6, 2020
It wasn’t too long ago that some seasoned political analysts, including this one, thought Joe Biden had a good shot to win the Iowa Democratic caucuses.
Boy, were we wrong.
He not only lost but got relegated to fourth place behind Buttigieg, Sanders, and Warren.
This is a man who has been in the Senate since 1972, who has run for president before, and who was number two in the regime of a president wildly popular with Democrats. He was soundly beaten and made to look foolish by a kid mayor, a newish senator, and a virtual communist.
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Why? Several reasons.
- No oomph- His people in Iowa showed a remarkable lack of passion. The television shots showed them standing idly by while others were fighting for every single vote and delegate.
- No youth appeal- In the college towns, and they are big Democratic centers in Iowa, he was almost shut out. The guy is verging on 80. The Democrats seems to love young anti-semites and socialists these days. Ergo…(anti-semitic socialists? Gee, what historically recent political movement combined those two traits?) an old labor-loving moderate is just not what they are looking for.
- Where is Obama? – A lot of Biden’s problems would go away if his former boss endorsed him. But that’s not going to happen because the Obamas are keeping their powder dry for a future Michelle run and don’t want to get into any fights that would tick off other Democrats before they pull the trigger.
- The guy is just weird- It’s the gaffes, the fabrications, the nuzzling, the obvious combover/hair work, and the odd intolerance for any other point of view in the Democratic Party.Combine this with an expectation he’d be butchered by Trump in the fall debates and it doesn’t make him attractive to Democrats.
They are looking for someone viable against a popular president who is riding a wave of exoneration and triumph. No one sees Biden as strong enough to fit that bill.
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- Finally, he’s yesterday’s news- Joe Biden harkens back to a relatively gentler time, if you could call the Clarence Thomas hearings gentle, when you fought like hell then went out for cocktails afterwards.His heyday was twenty years ago and earlier and modern socialist PC Democrats have little to nothing in common with him. That showed in Iowa. If it also does next Tuesday in New Hampshire he is in big trouble.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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Kansas City Chiefs Owner Clark Hunt Encourages Members of His Team to Be Good Christians
The post Biden Takes Major Hit in Iowa appeared first on The Political Insider.
Trump Easily Wins Iowa, Twitter Roasts Democrats for Disastrous Night
By David Kamioner | February 4, 2020
The Republican National Committee couldn’t have asked for a better Iowa caucuses script if they had written it themselves.
On one hand, the GOP caucuses.
Efficient, timely, organized, nothing out of place. The president won most, if not all, of the delegates in the contest. At last count he had 38 out of 40 delegates and the other two should fall to him today when the few votes left are counted. It was a display of political professionalism on all GOP fronts, except for hapless presidential challengers Bill Weld and Joe Walsh. They hardly registered on radar.
We’ll spare you the details of the Democratic manure show, as we already covered it in our last article. We’ll let the president and others fill you in this time.
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Trump campaign chief Brad Parscale chimed in with this.
“Democrats are stewing in a caucus mess of their own creation with the sloppiest train wreck in history. It would be natural for people to doubt the fairness of the process. And these are the people who want to run our entire health care system?”
Don Trump, Jr. joined the fun.
“If the Democrats can’t run a caucus that they had four years to prepare for, how the hell can anyone think they could actually run the country?”
Even Dems piled on.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson said of the young mayor, “Did Pete Buttigieg just claim victory in Iowa when the results haven’t been announced yet?”
Also this guy.
Former 2020 Democratic primary candidate Julian Castro tweeted: “This is a total mess. I respect the people of Iowa, they’ve been great—but it’s become very clear that our democracy has been misserved by a broken system.”
Then there’s this.
It's even more hilarious now that Dems screamed for 4 years straight that the greatest threat to confidence in US elections were Russian Twitter trolls
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 4, 2020
And this.
Unreal. A precinct secretary was on hold on the hotline for an hour and they took him off hold as he was talking to CNN. He didn't respond fast enough and they hung up on him.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) February 4, 2020
And my personal favorite, from the Democratic National Committee before they knew what their idiocies had wrought.
Outstanding job so far
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) February 4, 2020
And how could the laugh riot be complete without the president.
The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2020
For good measure, he even insinuated the whole thing was a ruse to stop Bernie Sanders from winning. Perfect.
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Heads will roll at the Iowa Democratic Party, and perhaps at the DNC, over this. It rained on their impeachment show, it takes the spotlight away from any planned Democratic hijinks at the State of the Union address, and it plays right into the GOP message of the general incompetence of the Democratic Party and its candidates.
All in all a good night, for Republicans.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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The post Trump Easily Wins Iowa, Twitter Roasts Democrats for Disastrous Night appeared first on The Political Insider.
Amy Walter and David Yepsen on Iowa caucus trends
WATCH LIVE: President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union
Next Three Days Vital for President Trump
By David Kamioner | February 3, 2020
Monday marks the beginning of three of the most important days in the history of modern America.
On Monday the resumption of the Senate impeachment trial will likely bring the process only two days away from a finish. Senators will get to make speeches on the Senate floor for or against impeachment. From those speeches a good count on the final votes on the charges before the Senate should be able to be discerned. Our call remains 55-45 for the president, thus handing him an impressive victory and complete vindication.
This is the de facto and de jure result no matter what the Democratic strategy may be to ignore the trial outcome and possibly embark on another impeachment investigation and vote. That would be timed for the GOP convention or the fall, when the Democrats still have control of the House. If they do that they will lose the House. So pray that they at least try.
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The Iowa Democratic caucus on Monday looks like a close battle between Sanders and Biden. We think Biden will pull it off because many Sanders supporters are young and those under 30 do not usually vote or caucus in large numbers. Trump is probably pulling for Sanders, as are we, for the obvious reason of his non-electability in November. But the Democratic establishment will probably not allow his nomination, just as they cheated him out of it in 2016.
Tuesday brings more trial speeches and the State of the Union address by the president. Expect the Democrats to try a stunt to disrupt the president’s speech. Shouting from the audience, a walkout or boycott, even turning their back on the president are all in their playbook. One or more may take place.
Wednesday should close the chapter, for now, on one of the most divisive and unnecessary dramas in American history, as the Senate will likely vote to acquit President Trump on one count of abuse of power and another of obstruction of Congress. Current smart money has Democrats Manchin and Sinema possibly voting with the president on one or both counts. Jones could also jump to Trump on the votes.
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Republicans Romney and Collins could vote to remove the president on one or both counts, with Romney the more likely guilty vote on both charges.
Stay with LifeZette for the latest fast breaking coverage on all these events.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
Read more at LifeZette:
Ilhan Omar Launches Bill To Stop Trump From Carrying Out ‘Muslim Ban’
Trump Wins Witness Vote 51-49, Acquittal Looks Solid
Taylor Swift Gets Political Again As She Attacks Republican Senator
The post Next Three Days Vital for President Trump appeared first on The Political Insider.