Democrats Introduce Legislation to Bar Trump From Ever Holding Public Office

Representative David Cicilline, backed by 40 other House Democrats, introduced legislation citing a Civil War-era provision in the 14th Amendment to bar Donald Trump from ever holding public office.

Cicilline put forth HR 9578 which seeks to deem Trump “ineligible to again hold the office of President of the United States or to hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.”

Forty Democrat co-sponsors have signed on to the bill. Oddly enough, only one original member of the Squad – Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is a co-sponsor.

“Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 with the intention of overturning the lawful and fair results of the 2020 election,” Cicilline said in a statement without evidence. “You don’t get to lead a government you tried to destroy.”

RELATED: Democrat Seeking to Use 14th Amendment to Bar Trump From Office

Democrats Want to Bar Trump From Holding Office by Comparing Him to Confederates

Cicilline sent out a letter to colleagues just a few weeks ago, outlining a bill and requesting co-sponsors for the measure that “would prevent Donald Trump from holding public office again under the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Surprised to see he didn’t track down outgoing Republican lawmakers Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney to join the effort.

What he did do, however, was utilize another useful GOP idiot for the Democrats – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Cicilline used the Republican senator’s own words to suggest Trump was responsible for a small portion of his supporters – that he urged to protest ‘peacefully‘ – getting out of control, and thus fomenting an insurrection.

“Even Mitch McConnell admits that Trump bears responsibility,” Cicilline said, “saying on the Senate floor that ‘[t]here’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.'”

RELATED: Democrats Have A Back-Up Plan That Might Still Bar Trump From Running Again If Impeachment Fails

They Are Desperate

No question he is responsible, eh?

But there is a question as to how Trump’s speech equates to being liable for the actions of others. 

Trump was not even at the site of the riot and as such, could not be charged for actions engaged in at the Capitol.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is a rarely cited Civil War-era provision that bars individuals from holding office if they “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

In other words, mostly high-ranking Confederates.

Trump was impeached in January 2021 on the charge of “incitement of insurrection,” but was ultimately acquitted by the Senate.

Acquitted. End of discussion. This thing would be laughed out of the courts in record time.

Not to mention the dangerous precedent such legislation would open the floodgates to. After all, Democrats themselves have objected to electoral proceedings in numerous past elections:

  • 15 Democrats objected to counting Florida’s electoral votes in 2000.
  • 31 Democrats voted in favor of rejecting electoral votes from Ohio in 2004.
  • 7 different Democrats objected 11 times to certifying the results of the 2016 presidential election.

With all of that, Democrats would have to schedule a vote on Cicilline’s bill before the legislative calendar comes to a close next week. With a GOP-controlled House set to take over in January, the 14th Amendment gambit seems likely to die.

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Top Dem Accuses Trump Of ‘Actively Courting A Rise Of The Confederacy’ And ‘Civil War In Our Country’

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) spoke out on Friday to outrageously accuse former President Donald Trump of “actively courting a rising of the Confederacy” and “a civil war.”

Jayapal Attacks Trump

“We all feel this tension of our colleagues who are continuing to not admit that Joe Biden won the election or continuing to engage with white nationalist extremist groups that were part of the insurrection on the Capitol, are continuing to tie themselves to Donald Trump, the president, who incited the insurrection,” Jayapal said while appearing on MSNBC.

“The most violent on the Capitol since the War of 1812,” she added. “The reality is there are too many members of the Republican Party who are refusing to wear masks, are refusing to go through metal detectors.”

Related: Adam Schiff Rips GOP Leaders As ‘Dangerous Cult’ Over Threats Made To Democrats

Jayapal Calls Republican Party A ‘Cult’

Not stopping there, Jayapal went on to accuse the Republican Party of being a “cult.”

“So it is real, the security threat to us, individually, in our homes, in our districts, and on the floor are real,” she said. “So is the rage at Republicans who are choosing a cult party and a cult figure over the Constitution. That’s what it is.”

“I have a lot of respect for Liz Cheney, for Adam Kinzinger, for Republicans, who understand their number one duty is to make sure we preserve our democracy and Constitution,” Jayapal continued.

“If Republicans choose to go along with Donald Trump, they’re choosing to go along with a president who incited insurrection and who is actively courting a rising of the Confederacy and, frankly, a civil war in our country,” she added. “So it is a very difficult time in our country.”

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“We are not going to succumb to this moment of, you know, really, terribly troubling times for our country,” Jayapal concluded. “Katy, the road to fascism is littered with moments where people either did not speak up, or they went along with what was being proposed. I do fear for our country in this moment.”

This comes after Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made similar comments about the Republican Party.

“You know, the GOP leadership is becoming little more than a cult and a dangerous cult,” Schiff continued.

This piece was written by James Samson on January 30, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

Read more at LifeZette:
RNC Chair McDaniel Lays Out Mundane Agenda
HR1 Tries To Make Stolen Elections Permanent
Schumer Unloads On Republicans Refusing To Support Impeachment – Vows To Hold Trial

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Rob Reiner Calls Trump ‘New Leader Of The Confederacy’ Who Must Be Convicted

On Wednesday, actor, director and outspoken leftist Rob Reiner said that the Senate must convict former President Donald Trump, who he called “the new leader of the Confederacy.”

Reiner, popularly known as the Meathead character in “All In The Family,” said this was necessary for Democrats to win “our continuing Civil War.”

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Rob Reiner: ‘Donald Trump, The New Leader Of The Confederacy’

“Our original sin is at the the root of our continuing Civil War. Donald Trump, the new leader of the Confederacy, heads the Sedition,” Reiner wrote.

“If he is not held accountable with a Senate conviction, there will be no Appomattox.”

Appomattox, of course, is the Virginia town where in 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant.

Reiner is no stranger to trying to push politicians to impeach Trump.

Earlier in January, the Reiner insisted that anyone in Congress who did not try to remove the president as Trump’s days in the White House wound down would themselves be guilty of the federal crime of sedition. 

Reiner tweeted not long after the Capitol Hill riot, “Any members of Congress that doesn’t support Impeachment and Removal of this President supports Sedition.”

Reiner Thought Trump Would Be Arrested After Election Day

When then President-elect Joe Biden was calling for unity and wanted to “heal America” back in December, Reiner said that could only happen if Trump’s family and administration face criminal prosecution.

In September, Reiner said on social media that law enforcement would arrest then-President Trump after the election day, and also added “in 42 days we will arrest the killer.”

“Donald Trump has essentially shot and killed 100s of thousands Americans on 5th Ave, continues to do it every day, and he’s right, his cult doesn’t care,” tweeted Reiner.

“But the rest of US do. In 42 days we will arrest the killer.”

In October of last year, Reiner claimed that Trump was “trying to kill as many Americans as possible” by campaigning during the presidential campaign.

Then in December, Reiner demanded the arrest of the entire Trump family. With no caveats, one can assume he includes First Lady Melania and son Barron in that demand.

RELATED: Dem Rep. Introduces Bill Barring Security Clearances For Capitol Rioters, QAnon Believers

How long will Rob Reiner continue to obsess over Donald Trump now that he is out of office?

Something tells us the out-to-lunch Hollywood liberal isn’t done yet.

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