Poll: Republicans clutch pearls over Biden’s age, shrug at Trump’s

Election analysts and pollsters have clued in to a stubborn fact: Americans dislike that so many of the country's powerful politicians are, well, rather long in the tooth.

Broad voter disenchantment with aging politicians is proving particularly relevant to the 2024 presidential contest, which could feature a rematch between two candidates who have each spent roughly eight decades on the planet: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Pundits are also quick to point out that, broadly speaking, voters are more concerned about 80-year-old Biden's age than 77-year-old Trump's age. Here's what they don't tell you: The main difference is that the Democratic Party isn't a cult.

In this month's co-branded Daily Kos/Civiqs poll, three-quarters of registered voters expressed concern about Biden's age "affecting his ability to serve as president," while roughly half said they were similarly concerned about Trump's age.

But the main reason for the difference stems from Republican voters mostly falling in lockstep behind Trump, with 71% saying they were "not concerned" about his age.

Among Democrats, however, a notably smaller 49% said they weren't concerned about the sitting president's age.

Here's the partisan breakdown on Trump:

Here's the partisan breakdown on Biden:

When Civiqs polling director Drew Linzer and I discussed the topic on this week's episode of The Brief, Linzer explained, "On the Republican side, these voters are committed to expressing good things about Donald Trump, period. No matter what we ask about."

Almost like a cult.

But on the Democratic side, there's "more willingness to be critical" in evaluating both Biden and Democrats more generally, Linzer noted.

All that said, in a potential head-to-head matchup, concerned Democrats are still going to vote for Biden over Trump.

"It doesn't mean they're not going to vote for Joe Biden. It just means that they're willing to be critical of Joe Biden," Linzer added.

It is worth noting, however, that young Democrats are the biggest skeptics of Biden's age, with 70% saying they are either very or somewhat concerned.

Here are the crosstabs on Democratic age groups:

Here's a clip of the segment from “The Brief,” in which I also razz Drew to spice things up a bit.

Sign the petition: Denounce MAGA GOP's baseless impeachment inquiry against Biden

Kerry talks with Drew Linzer, director of the online polling company Civiqs. Drew tells us what the polls say about voters’ feelings toward President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and what the results would be if the two men were to, say … run against each other for president in 2024. Oh yeah, Drew polled to find out who thinks Donald Trump is guilty of the crimes he’s been indicted for, and whether or not he should see the inside of a jail cell.

2016 Electoral College Objector Democrat Raskin Says GOP ‘Operates Like An Authoritarian Political-Religious Cult’

On Tuesday, Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin – one of the impeachment managers against former President Donald Trump – called the GOP “an authoritarian political-religious cult.”

Raskin, who objected to certifying the electoral college after Trump’s win in 2016, made his remarks during an interview on MSNBC’s program “All In.” 

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‘Authoritarian Political-Religious Cult’

Ironically speaking on a segment about certifying the 2020 election results, MSNBC host Chris Hayes said, “There are hundreds of elected Republicans across the states and a relatively small amount that were actively plotting along with the president’s coup, as far as we know.”

Raskin replied, “That’s right, and there were people who deliberately defied him, like secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in Georgia. There were dozens of election officials who refused to just nullify and vaporize the actual votes of the election.”

Raskin then said that he believes Trump has a cult-like hold over his party.

“What’s interesting, though, is that Donald Trump has only consolidated his control over the GOP, which now operates like an authoritarian political-religious cult,” the Democrat insisted.

“The people who said no to him are being systematically opposed and purged by his party,” Raskin added. 

The Democrat believes Republicans now operate outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution.

“So you’ve got an entire political party which has positioned itself outside of the constitutional order, which is attacking the outcome of our elections and our basic constitutional processes.”

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Raskin Objected To 2016 Certification

Raskin objected to certifying the electoral college in 2016, claiming that some Florida electors “were not lawfully certified.”

He was immediately gaveled down by none other than then-Vice President Joe Biden.


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Hillary Clinton: Republicans Don’t ‘Pledge Allegiance’ To USA, They Pledge To Trump ‘Cult’

On Monday, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said the GOP has become a cult of former President Donald Trump that doesn’t pledge allegiance to America.

The former Secretary of State made her comments during an interview on “Washington Post Live” with host Jonathan Capehart.

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Clinton Praises Republican Liz Cheney For Impeachment Vote

Capehart said to Clinton, “The Republicans have been eating their own. I wonder what advice, if any, you would give to Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming in handling, not just Donald Trump and the criticisms coming from him but his followers in Congress?”

Clinton replied, “Well first, I will say I don’t want to hurt Liz Cheney, but I was incredibly impressed by her strength in standing up to what had been instigated by Donald Trump, an attack on our Capitol by the then-sitting president of our country, which was so outrageous.”


Clinton continued to praise Cheney.

“Really, Representative Cheney was one of the very few Republicans in Congress who did stand up,” Clinton continued. “And I give all of them who spoke up, who voted for impeachment, who voted for conviction in the Senate credit for doing what was right.”

The former first lady condemned Republicans who did not join Cheney in voting to impeach Trump.

Clinton said, “I just wish that more Republicans had had either the courage or the understanding of what they needed to do, that they too had stood up and spoken out.”

Republican voters are not in agreement. GOP Congressmen who voted to impeach or convict President Trump have been censured at home, and many are already facing primary challengers.

Clinton Claims Republicans Turning Into ‘Cult’

Then she questioned whether Republicans were loyal to America or Donald Trump.

“Right now, Jonathan, it is really troubling to see the Republican Party turn themselves into a cult and, you know, basically pledge allegiance not to the United States of America but to Donald Trump,” Clinton charged.

The insult is constructed in a curious way, given that Trump’s supporters describe their support as ‘America First,’ and often charge that politicians like Hillary Clinton have put America last. 

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Clinton then gave the GOP an additional wag of the finger.

“Something I do not understand, I cannot accept, and I don’t think the majority of Americans — as we have seen with the very large popular victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the passage of the American Rescue Plan, which is so popular — I don’t understand why the Republican Party is so afraid of itself, because that’s what it comes down to,” she finished.


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Top Dem Accuses Trump Of ‘Actively Courting A Rise Of The Confederacy’ And ‘Civil War In Our Country’

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) spoke out on Friday to outrageously accuse former President Donald Trump of “actively courting a rising of the Confederacy” and “a civil war.”

Jayapal Attacks Trump

“We all feel this tension of our colleagues who are continuing to not admit that Joe Biden won the election or continuing to engage with white nationalist extremist groups that were part of the insurrection on the Capitol, are continuing to tie themselves to Donald Trump, the president, who incited the insurrection,” Jayapal said while appearing on MSNBC.

“The most violent on the Capitol since the War of 1812,” she added. “The reality is there are too many members of the Republican Party who are refusing to wear masks, are refusing to go through metal detectors.”

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Jayapal Calls Republican Party A ‘Cult’

Not stopping there, Jayapal went on to accuse the Republican Party of being a “cult.”

“So it is real, the security threat to us, individually, in our homes, in our districts, and on the floor are real,” she said. “So is the rage at Republicans who are choosing a cult party and a cult figure over the Constitution. That’s what it is.”

“I have a lot of respect for Liz Cheney, for Adam Kinzinger, for Republicans, who understand their number one duty is to make sure we preserve our democracy and Constitution,” Jayapal continued.

“If Republicans choose to go along with Donald Trump, they’re choosing to go along with a president who incited insurrection and who is actively courting a rising of the Confederacy and, frankly, a civil war in our country,” she added. “So it is a very difficult time in our country.”

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“We are not going to succumb to this moment of, you know, really, terribly troubling times for our country,” Jayapal concluded. “Katy, the road to fascism is littered with moments where people either did not speak up, or they went along with what was being proposed. I do fear for our country in this moment.”

This comes after Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made similar comments about the Republican Party.

“You know, the GOP leadership is becoming little more than a cult and a dangerous cult,” Schiff continued.

This piece was written by James Samson on January 30, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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