As Americans and the rest of the world have passed the two-year mark since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, otherwise known as “Science Itself,” appeared with Judy Woodruff on the PBS New Hour on Tuesday to discuss the state of COVID in the U.S.
In a rather surprising statement coming from Fauci/The Science, he declared the pandemic phase in the U.S. as being all but over. This of course sent liberals over the edge.
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Living With COVID
During the brief discussion of COVID, Woodruff asked Fauci, “Here we are. It’s the end of April. It’s the spring of 2022. How close are we to the end of this pandemic?” Fauci’s response,
“We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase. Namely, we don’t have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. We are at a low level right now.”
He continued saying,
“So, if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this country, we are. What we hope to do, I don’t believe — and I have spoken about this widely — we’re not going to eradicate this virus. If we can keep that level very low, and intermittently vaccinate people — and I don’t know how often that would have to be, Judy.”
JUST IN: Dr. Anthony Fauci tells our @JudyWoodruff the U.S. is "out of the pandemic phase."
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) April 26, 2022
Some had been saying such things for a long time, but nevertheless, to hear it finally come from Fauci should have brought a sigh of relief from hundreds of millions of people.
Angry Lefties Question The Science
This announcement sent the left into an angry tailspin, shocked and saddened by the conclusion of Dr. Fauci.
Every time this administration repeats the lie that the US is post-pandemic (like Fauci said today,) they actively suppress vaccination rates. Ppl aren’t getting boosted & aren’t vaccinating their children, in large part because they’ve been told there isn’t any urgency anymore.
— Stephanie Tait
(@StephTaitWrites) April 27, 2022
Some had abandoned the Fauci cult following and were not buying what he’s selling.
My area had an increase of 124% in the last 14 days. We're at medium level of cases now. That's with home testing not being counted at all. I'm not falling for the "all is well" speech. // U.S. no longer in ‘full-blown’ pandemic phase, Fauci says
— I hope we passed the audition.
(@music_fan2020) April 27, 2022
Some wanted to make Dr. Fauci is aware that there is an election in six months and certain things need to be in place.
Fauci makes first positive statement in three years. Says we may be moving away from the pandemic in the US. Dem insiders don’t want to hear that since covid voting restrictions are needed for an advantage in the midterms.
— Paddywagoneer (@AGoodJake4sure) April 27, 2022
Some true believers were genuinely confused:
Does anyone have an explanation for why Fauci announced last night on @NewsHour that the pandemic phase was over?
Am I living on a different planet? WTF doesn’t begin to express my dismay over his words and the fact that Judy didn’t challenge him on his misstatements.
— Virginia Buysse, PhD (@VirginiaBuysse) April 27, 2022
The ones who were not buying it also thought it high time they put Fauci in his place.
Getting a ton of messages today of people telling me the pandemic has ended. In case you forgot the pandemic is not over sorry Fauci does not get to decide when it is over. #CovidIsntOver #covid
— Covid Report (@CovidDataReport) April 27, 2022
The legions of people who now feel that it as allowed and acceptable to question Lord Fauci grew exponentially overnight:
If we’re out of the pandemic phase, why is he backing out of this event due to covid concerns?
— Derek Franks | Stop Downplaying Covid
(@Derek_a_Franks) April 27, 2022
Dr. Fauci is wrong and this is a greatly irresponsible message. Spread is high and growing. We have to be honest with people so they can determine their risks appropriately, especially now that the federal response has dropped all protections.
— Joaquín Beltrán for Congress (@joaquinlife) April 26, 2022
Absolutely outrageous messaging! With no mask mandates and no access to vaccines, families with children under five are STILL choosing between isolation and infection every day! #CovidIsntOver #ImmunizeUnder5s #MaskUp
— Protect Their Future (@ImmunizeUnder5s) April 26, 2022
— Rebel in PHX
(@Rebel_Mike) April 27, 2022
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Most Americans Have Been Infected
According to a new Centers for Disease Control and Infections (CDC) study, most Americans, including the majority of children, have contracted COVID-19 at one point. The study also says that because so many people contracted the Omicron variant over the winter that currently, roughly 60% of Americans have virus antibodies in their blood.
The White House announced yesterday that Vice President Kamala Harris had tested positive for COVID-19.
The post Liberals Furious At Dr. Fauci After He Declares COVID-19 Pandemic Phase ‘Over’ appeared first on The Political Insider.