Poll: Overwhelming Majority Of GOP Voters Agree With Trump Policies, Approve Of Ousting Liz Cheney

According to a new poll, a strong majority of Republican voters agree with the agenda of former President Donald Trump and agree with Republicans ousting anti-Trump Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership position. 

The poll shows where GOP voters stand as the party tries to navigate how to move forward in the 2022 midterm elections and beyond.

The results come from a CBS News/YouGov poll.

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CBS News/You Gov Poll: Republicans Overwhelmingly Support Trump

The poll showed that “80% of Republicans agree with the removal of Liz Cheney from GOP Leadership.”

Cheney was recently voted of her House GOP Conference chairmanship due to to supporting the second impeachment of Trump and her constant criticism of the former president.

Also, the survey revealed, for example, that 89 percent agree with the former president on economic issues, and also 80 percent say Trump’s form of leadership is something the GOP should learn from and follow.

88 percent say Trump’s immigration agenda should be adhered to, and 73 percent of those taking the survey said Trump set an example on racial issues.

On handling the American left and overall mainstream media, 69 percent said Trump set the example on how to treat the left.

77 percent agreed with how Trump handled the media.

The numbers also skewed heavily in favor of Donald Trump’s claims about the 2020 presidential election and the GOP in general. 

Republicans Do Not Believe Biden Won The 2020 Election

67 percent of Republican voters believe President Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election.

In addition, 34 percent of those polled believe Republicans should be punished if they are disloyal to the base.

RELATED: Jim Jordan Slams Liz Cheney – Can’t Have A Conference Chair ‘Reciting Democrat Talking Points’

When the CBS News/YouGov poll inquired about Republicans’ 2022 and 2024 strategy, 53 percent said Republicans need to focus on the “message” to get more Republican votes. 

The poll advised Republicans that they “should tell the public about popular policies and ideas, and will win if more people hear about them.”

The CBS News/YouGov survey was taken between May 12 and May 14, surveying 951 self-identifying Republicans who had previously taken a poll with CBS News in 2021. 

The margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points.


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GOP Rep: Stefanik Too Liberal To Replace Cheney, Urges GOP To Choose A Conservative

With the vote to oust Congresswoman Liz Cheney from House Republican leadership looming, one conservative House Freedom Caucus member circulated a memo to every GOP office claiming that her presumed successor, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik isn’t much different from a Democrat.

On Tuesday, Congressman Chip Roy sent a memo asking the House Republican conference to reconsider Stefanik, citing her voting record, and encouraging Republicans to choose someone more conservative.

Republican Roy Rejects Stefanik: ‘Choose Someone Who Reflects Our Conservative Values’

In his memo, Roy argues that Stefanik voted against Trump’s agenda often, siding with Democrats.

Roy asked House Republicans to instead, “choose someone who reflects our conservative values.”

“We must avoid putting in charge Republicans who campaign as Republicans but then vote for and advance the Democrats’ agenda once sworn in,” Roy wrote to his fellow GOP members.

“Therefore, with all due respect to my friend, Elise Stefanik, let us contemplate the message Republican leadership is about to send by rushing to coronate a spokesperson whose voting record embodies much of what led to the 2018 ass-kicking we received by Democrats,” Roy added.

Other Conservatives Not Happy With Stefanik Succeeding Cheney

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced on Monday that the secret ballot vote to oust Cheney from her leadership position will happen on Wednesday.

Cheney has drawn heat from Republicans for not only voting to impeach former President Donald Trump on the second impeachment vote, but for continuing to attack him in op-eds and during interviews.

McCarthy and other leaders believe Cheney has become too much of a distraction away from what the party should focused on: Winning more House seats for Republicans in 2022.

Roy is not the only conservative to complain about Stefanik’s lack of a conservative voting record.

The conservative Club for Growth said, “Elise Stefanik is NOT a good spokesperson for the House Republican Conference.”

“She is a liberal with a 35% CFGF lifetime rating, 4th worst in the House GOP. House Republicans should find a conservative to lead messaging and win back the House Majority.”

RELATED: OJ Simpson Defends Liz Cheney – Says She’s ‘Standing Up For The Truth’

Stefanik Has The Backing Of Republican Leadership And Trump

Roy’s memo to House Republicans highlighted several problematic Stefanik votes for conservatives, including her opposition to a border wall. 

“The forgotten men and women of this country simply want us to stand up for them,” Roy wrote. “Please tell me how we are sending a message today that we are standing up for them with a leadership-tapped colleague with that record as our spokesperson?”

Roy said that if the GOP strays from Trump’s America First Agenda it could hurt the party at the ballot box.

Trump and McCarthy, along with GOP Minority Whip Steve Scalise have all endorsed Stefanik. 


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Report: Biden Worried Impeachment Will Slow His Agenda

President-elect Joe Biden is reportedly concerned that implementation of his agenda will be slowed significantly by the insistence of Democrats to impeach President Trump for a second time.

House Democrats are expected to begin debate on impeachment Wednesday morning, setting up Trump to be the first President to ever be impeached twice.

The earliest the Senate could begin an impeachment trial would be January 20th, according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the day of Biden’s inauguration.

Biden, knowing that the Senate process for potential conviction would be time-consuming, is concerned his agenda could get derailed right out of the gate.

“I had a discussion today with some of the folks in the House and Senate,” Biden told reporters.

“The question is whether or not, for example, if the House moves forward – which they obviously are – with the impeachment and sends it over to the Senate, whether or not we can bifurcate this,” he revealed.

RELATED: James Clyburn Admits House Democrats May Not Send Articles Of Impeachment To Senate Until After Biden’s First 100 Days In Office

Will Biden’s Agenda Be Sunk by Democrats Obsession With Impeachment?

Biden’s correct in asserting that the impeachment process could get in the way of his agenda.

Confirmation of Cabinet picks, for example, might have to take a backseat to what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defines as an “imminent threat” to “our Democracy.”

Fox News reports that Senators in such a scenario would, according to Senate rules, meet six days a week, taking only Sunday off.

Biden wants to split time, it would seem.

“Can we go half-day on dealing with the impeachment and half-day getting my people nominated and confirmed in the Senate?” he asked.

Perhaps he’s unsure of what ‘imminent’ means. Or perhaps the Trump impeachment is not quite the threat Pelosi is making it out to be. 

RELATED: Hillary Clinton Calls Capitol Riots ‘Result Of White-Supremacist Grievances,’ Wants Trump Impeached

House May Delay Sending Articles to Senate

Senate Minority – soon to be Majority – Leader Chuck Schumer indicated that his colleagues might have to do as Biden asks and split time on the matters of the day.

“We’re going to have to do several things at once, but we’ve got to move the agenda as well,” Schumer told the Buffalo News. “Yes, we’ve got to do both.”

House Majority Whip James Clyburn might have a plan to help put impeachment on the backburner altogether while Biden starts to get his agenda rolling.

Earlier this week, Clyburn said House Democrats may wait until Biden’s first 100 days in office to send articles of impeachment to the Senate.

“It just so happens that if it didn’t go over there for 100 days, it could – let’s give President-elect Biden the 100 days he needs to get his agenda off and running, and maybe we’ll send the articles sometime after that,” Clyburn said.

A report last month indicates Biden was poised to unleash “a flurry” of executive orders aimed at “undoing” the Trump administration’s efforts to reform key government agencies.

His agenda though, might be derailed 

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