White House Issues Threat to Bolton Over New Book

Donald Trump’s White House has issued a threat to former National Security Advisor John Bolton, ordering him to remove “classified information” from his new book.

“Significant Amounts of Classified Information”

On Sunday, the New York Times reported that Bolton’s new book will help the Democrats push their case for the impeachment of President Trump. In the book, Bolton claims that the President did, in fact, delay military aid to Ukraine to pressure them into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden, and their business dealings in the country.

In an email to Bolton’s lawyer, the National Security Council said that from their preliminary review, the manuscript of Bolton’s new book “appears to contain significant amounts of classified information,” with some of this classified information,” being “at the TOP SECRET level.” This is defined by Executive Order 13526 as information that could be “reasonably expected to cause exceptionally grave harm to the national security” of the U.S. if it was released without authorization.

The letter goes onto note that Bolton had signed numerous nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) to be able to gain access to classified information.

“Under federal law and the nondisclosure agreements your client signed… the manuscript may not be published or otherwise disclosed without this classifed information,” the letter argues.

RELATED: Hey Dems, Bolton’s Testimony Won’t Change Anything – Trump Isn’t Being Removed

The manuscript is being kept under review, in order to “identify the classified information within” and ensure the “publication does not harm the national security of the United States.” It concludes by saying that the NSC will do their best to ensure Bolton’s “ability to tell his story in a manner that protects U.S. national security.”

“Nasty & Untrue Book”

The President also attacked Bolton on Twitter, saying that he was fired because, “frankly, if I listened to him, we would be in World War Six by now,” and wondering why he would write such a “nasty & untrue” book directly after he had been fired.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson Rips Into Bolton, Compares Him to Snake from Trump’s Parable

The President is spot on. John Bolton is simply mad that he couldn’t start more foreign wars overseas and spill the blood of thousands of American soldiers to make a nice profit for his buddies. This book is nothing more than an expanded temper tantrum, designed to annoy the President and others who hate endless foreign conflict.

If Bolton is found to have broken his NDAs by writing this book, he should be punished to the full extent of the law.

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Dem Representative Jerry Nadler’s Impeachment Hypocrisy Exposed

Representative Jerry Nadler’s hypocrisy on impeachment is completely unacceptable. According to him, it both is and isn’t acceptable to impeach a President on a partisan basis.

Nadler Flipflops On Impeachment

In 1998, Nadler opposed the impeachment of then-President Bill Clinton on some very simple grounds. Nadler said that there must never be “a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties, and largely opposed by the other,” as such an impeachment “would lack legitimacy, would produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come.”

I agree! Impeachment done on a partisan basis, as we can see today, only provokes a reaction from the American people of disgust and anger at one side trying to get rid of a democratically elected President.

CNN’s Dana Bash confronted Nadler about this in December, when he and other top Democrats were pushing forward with the impeachment of President Trump.

“So, right now, you are moving forward with impeachment proceedings against a Republican president without support from even one congressional Republican,” Bash put to him. “Is it fair to say that this impeachment, in your words from back then, will produce divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come?”

RELATED: Nadler: Hunter Biden ‘Is Not a Relevant Witness’ In Impeachment Trial

Nadler, of course, dodged the question. “I think what puts bitterness and divisiveness into our politics is the conduct of the president, who calls – who questions the patriotism of people who don’t agree with him, who calls political opponents human scum, who talks about the fake press, who derides the judiciary, who questions – who attacks all our democratic institutions,” Nadler responded to Bash.

RELATED: Rush Limbaugh Says ‘IG Report Has Totally Exposed Nadler As A Full-Fledged, 100 Percent Liar’

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Nadler!

It certainly seems ironic that only on Thursday, Nadler tried to use the words of Senator Lindsey Graham from Clinton’s impeachment proceedings as a reason why the President should be impeached today.

How does this man have the gall to pull a stunt like that, when his hypocrisy has been so clear in the past? Senator Graham even said last week that the impeachment proceedings backfired against the Republicans in the 1990s!

I think Nadler should take some advice from his Congressional colleague. Hypocrisy does not pay off!

The post Dem Representative Jerry Nadler’s Impeachment Hypocrisy Exposed appeared first on The Political Insider.

Judge Demands Hunter Biden Appear In Court After Failing To Hand Over Financial Documents

An Arkansas judge has ordered Hunter Biden to attend a court hearing after violating court orders that demanded he hand over various financial documents.

Biden Must Appear In Court On January 29th

Judge Holly Meyer, of Indepence County Circuit Court in Arkansas, granted and signed an “Order to Appear and Show Cause” against Hunter Biden. The motion was filed by Clinton and Jennifer Lancaster, the attorneys for Lunden Alexis Roberts. Roberts is the mother of Biden’s child and is currently engaged in a paternity battle with him. The order compels Biden to turn up to a court hearing on January 29th. He will need to explain why he has refused to hand over documents relating to his finances in the past five years. Biden did not comply with a January 16 deadline to hand over the documents.

Roberts, whose child was declared as Biden’s at the start of the month by a judge after DNA tests confirmed he was the father, had previously claimed she was paid by Biden’s company from May to November 2018. In court filings, Roberts said she received “pay stubs for money received from the defendant [Biden] when she was employed by him and his company” but “never received a tax document for these payments.” She also claimed her health insurance was paid for her at one point via this arrangement.

RELATED: Hunter Biden Complains That His Baby Mama Is Trying to ‘Embarrass’ Him

Not Related to Impeachment

Roberts and her lawyers are not the only people to have raised questions about Hunter Biden’s finances. Republicans in Congress have also brought up issues with his past business dealings with the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma. President Trump is being impeached by the Democrats right now for asking those exact same questions.

Clinton Lancaster confirmed to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that the court motion had nothing to do with the ongoing impeachment trial of President Trump.

“My understanding is impeachment proceedings are ongoing,” he said. “I have not received any subpoena. I don’t believe we have any stake in the impeachment proceedings. We don’t have any stake in it whatsoever. We need his income so we can determine child support.”

RELATED: Schiff: Calling Hunter Biden to Testify an ‘Abuse’ of Impeachment Process

Hunter Biden’s flippant dealings with the court system in this country really show his true character. By refusing to hand over documents relating to his finances, it makes you wonder exactly why he wants to stop a judge looking through his transaction history!

The post Judge Demands Hunter Biden Appear In Court After Failing To Hand Over Financial Documents appeared first on The Political Insider.