Category: judiciary committee
Rush Limbaugh: Skip the Senate Hearings And Go Straight To A Vote On Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee
Rush Limbaugh toyed with the idea that Senate Republicans skip the confirmation hearings for President Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee.
Limbaugh, a conservative radio host, mentioned the idea during his Monday broadcast.
He believes whoever the nominee is, Democrats will be planning to drag their name through the mud, just as they did with other Republican presidential nominees.
“I want the Judiciary Committee — I think it’d be great if it were skipped,” suggested Limbaugh.
“We don’t need to open that up for whatever length of time so that whoever this nominee is can be Kavanaughed or Borked or Thomased,” he added. “Because that’s what it’s gonna be, especially when it’s not even required.”
Rush Limbaugh calls for Trump’s Supreme Court nomination to skip the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and go straight to a floor vote
— Media Matters (@mmfa) September 21, 2020
Rush Limbaugh Explains Why Republicans Should Skip SCOTUS Hearings
Aside from noting that the next nominee to the court will have their lives turned upside down by Democrats, Limbaugh believes there is no requirement dictating hearings must be held.
“You know, I mentioned that the Judiciary Committee does not have to do its thing. It’s become a tradition, but it’s not a requirement,” he explained.
“Why not just blow up another tradition? Because, I’ll tell you, that’s how we’re gonna maintain the ones that matter,” continued Limbaugh.
“They have to be defeated. This Supreme Court seat has to be confirmed, it has to be named and confirmed before the election.”
The United States Senate website on nominations states that the practice was not initially common:
“In the 19th century, the Senate referred few nominations to committees. Since the mid-20th century, committee referral has become routine and most nominees testify at Senate hearings.”
Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution alludes to the “advice and consent of the Senate” being required.
The president “shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for…”
The Senate site notes that this section though, “has inspired widely varying interpretations” of its meaning.
Democrats will do everything in their power to destroy whoever Trump picks for SCOTUS.
Never forget what they did to Brett Kavanaugh as they do that.
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 21, 2020
RELATED: AOC, Pelosi Hint Impeachment Should Be Considered To Stop Trump Supreme Court Selection
SCOTUS Process Was Always Going to Come Back to Haunt Dems
If holding confirmation hearings in the Senate is nothing more than a tradition, we see no reason for President Trump not to ‘blow it up.’
For two reasons:
1. Democrats are already threatening to blow up the process by using impeachment – a process reserved for ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ – as a means to stop Trump’s nominee.
2. Is there any doubt that the resistance party would take any action necessary the moment they have power again? Please.
In 2017, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell triggered the so-called ‘nuclear option’ after Democrats filibustered the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Doing so abolished the 60-vote requirement for nominees, something the Democrats themselves instituted for other judicial nominees under the leadership of Harry Reid in 2013.
And McConnell warned him not to do it …
“You’ll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think,” McConnell warned from the Senate floor.
Gorsuch, and later Brett Kavanaugh, were both beneficiaries of the ‘nuclear option’ being invoked.
It will certainly come into play with Trump’s selection to fill the vacancy left by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
We have Democrats to thank for the controversial tactic. Now Limbaugh wants to see Republicans toss out another archaic tradition. Should they do it?
The post Rush Limbaugh: Skip the Senate Hearings And Go Straight To A Vote On Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee appeared first on The Political Insider.