CNN Political Commentator, Watergate Reporter Carl Bernstein Calls Trump A ‘War Criminal’

Carl Bernstein, a political commentator for CNN and famed Watergate journalist, claims former President Donald Trump is an “American war criminal.”

Bernstein made the comments on perhaps the only show – ‘Reliable Sources’ with Brian Stelter – on perhaps the only network that would let him make such a radical accusation without questioning his assertion.

“I think we need to calmly step back and maybe look at Trump in a different context,” he said without a hint of calm. “He is our own American war criminal of a kind we’ve never experienced before.”

Bernstein, in beefing up his Trump derangement bonafides, also accused Trump of “homicidal negligence” for his handling of the pandemic, and claimed continued allegations of election fraud amount to ‘war crimes’ against the American people.

Stelter, the perpetually befuddled host, didn’t question Bernstein but rather, worried that he was “going to get heat” for his incendiary comments.

“All I’m doing is saying, ‘Whoa, let’s look at Trump’s crimes in a different context,'” Bernstein replied. “Yes, war crimes. These were crimes against our people.”

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Carl Bernstein: Trump Is A ‘War Criminal’

Carl Bernstein’s accusations that Trump is a “war criminal” for questioning election integrity, even as it is missing one of the defining characteristics (the ‘war’ part), would be an embarrassment to his credibility in a sane world.

Instead, you’ll see Bernstein propped up as a hero of the left for fomenting what they truly believe in their own minds.

The famed author suggested that Trump placed his own election prospects ahead of the health and safety of the American people and by doing so committed “crimes against humanity.”

Aside from being bat guano crazy, two points:

  1. There are mountains of evidence as to what the former President did to navigate the American people through the pandemic.
  2. If focusing on other matters concurrently is a ‘war crime,’ then every Democrat who focused the entire system of government on impeachment would be brought up on charges.

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Carl Bernstein cited another drama queen in making his accusation of war crimes, General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Milley had compared Trump’s complaints of election fraud and the protests that resulted at the Capitol to the rise of Adolf Hitler.

“This is a Reichstag moment,” Milley allegedly told aides at the time. “The gospel of the Führer.”

Bernstein, whatever he once was in the field of journalism, is nothing but a caricature of a man he thinks CNN viewers want to see.

Following the Capitol protest, the reporter said he considered the ex-president to be the “first seditious president in our history.”

And with riveting commentary like that, Stelter, who is desperate for anything involving Trump due to his limp ratings, decided to get further opinion on the matter.

Bernstein was the subject of intense scrutiny regarding a story he helped author for CNN in 2018 about a ‘bombshell’ meeting at Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign.

One of the anonymous sources for the story later claimed it was false.



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