Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) went on Fox News Radio on Wednesday to respond to Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) being ousted as chairwoman of the House Republican Conference over her opposition to former President Donald Trump.
Cassidy, who voted in favor of impeaching Trump earlier this year, declared in this interview that Trump would not be the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.
Cassidy Sounds Off
“We absolutely feel like we need a Republican Party which is committed to conservative values that will bring it forward,” Cassidy said. “As regards the president … returning to power, he lost. We lost the House. We lost the Senate. We lost the presidency and four years. Hasn’t happened since Herbert Hoover.”
“Parties and elections are about winning,” he added. “So, if you just want to brass tax it, we need to win. We can see that voters in swing districts did not swing for the Republican Party — they swang away. I supported the president’s policies. I was all on board — one of the senators that voted with him the most often — but parties are about winning, and unfortunately, over the last four years, we had a track record of losing. We need to win going forward.”
Related: Nearly Every Senator Who Voted To Convict Trump Faces Censure Or Has Been Censured
‘Republicans Are About Winning’
“Republicans are about winning,” he continued. “If we’re going to win, we can’t say, ‘Oh my gosh, we got more votes than anybody else in Republican history,’ but 7 million left to the Democrat. You know, that 7 million is the difference between Biden’s policies and our policies. We’ve got to be 7 million ahead, not 7 million behind.”
When asked if he would vote for Trump if he is the nominee, Cassidy responded, “He’s not going to be our nominee.”
Cheney slammed former President Donald Trump both before and after the vote to oust her.
“We must be true to our principles and to the Constitution,” Cheney told fellow House Republicans before the closed-door vote, according to the Today Show. “We cannot let the former president drag us backward and make us complicit in his efforts to unravel our democracy. Down that path lies our destruction and potentially the destruction of our country.”
After the vote, she added that if Trump decides to run again in 2024, “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office.”
Read Next: Here Are the 6 Republicans Who Voted That Trump’s Impeachment Trial Is Constitutional
This piece was written by James Samson on May 13, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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