This week was a ‘bad week’ for the US Constitution, Ted Cruz says

Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told "Sunday Morning Futures" anchor Maria Bartiromo that the past week was "really bad" for the United States Constitution. The Texas Republican's comments came as the Senate dismissed the impeachment trial of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and their refusal to enforce the warrant requirement for FISA reauthorization. 

MARIA BARTIROMO:…Why are you having such a hard time moving the needle on security at the border, Senator? ‘You’ meaning Republicans?


SEN. TED CRUZ Well, listen, the Democrat Party has embraced open border. They want this invasion. And Republicans, listen, I, I feel for speaker Mike Johnson. He has a virtually impossible job. He's down now to a one vote majority. That majority goes all over the place on everything. And so he's a good man who is trying mightily. But at least so far, Republicans have not been willing or able to use the leverage we have to force real border security

I'll tell you, Maria, this week was a bad week for the United States Constitution. This week we had the Alejandro Mayorkas trial that was supposed to happen this week, and Senate Democrats, every Democrat, refused to hold a trial and essentially nuked the impeachment provisions of the Constitution. And also this week, we saw both the House and the Senate refuse to enforce the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement for searches of American citizens on FISA. And I think both of those in the same week is really a bad week for the Constitution.

Rep. Van Drew calls on Biden to oppose Trump impeachment: ‘Let’s try to come together’

Democrats are pushing to remove President Trump from office after Wednesday’s riots on Capitol Hill but Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., is urging President-elect Joe Biden to oppose impeachment, saying it would divide the country.

Dershowitz calls Trump impeachment a ‘loaded weapon’ that would be ‘so dangerous to the Constitution’

Harvard Law professor emeritus and constitutional law scholar Alan Dershowitz said that while he does not believe it would result in a Senate trial, impeaching President Trump over what he said in an address prior to protesters storming the Capitol building on Wednesday would provide a "loaded weapon" to both parties to use at their will in the future.