By David Kamioner | February 7, 2020
Six female minority staffers told Politico they left the Nevada state organization of Democratic candidate for president Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts because they felt like tokens.
No duh ladies.
It’s not exactly an epiphany that the Left looks upon minorities as political pets, to be used like beasts of electoral burden but always to take a back seat to upscale white limo leftists.
Though it seems that these gals are just pulling the race hustle. It’s a particular practice, as amusingly chronicled in Tom Wolfe’s “Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers,” that uses racial guilt to get goodies from guilty white liberals.
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We could go on with more general comment. But in a new tool LifeZette is providing its readers, we will now engage our Political Translation Service (PTS).
It takes leftist gibberish and translates the likely real meanings into standard understandable English. So, here are the statements of the aggrieved parties and the PTS translations.
First ticked off staffer: “During the time I was employed with Nevada for Warren, there was definitely something wrong with the culture,” said Megan Lewis, who signed on with Warren last May.
“I filed a complaint with HR, but the follow-up I received left me feeling as though I needed to make myself smaller or change who I was to fit into the office culture.”
PTS: “Oh man, this campaign is falling out of the sky like a brick. Nobody believed us on the Bernie thing and we got killed in Iowa. Even though she’s from next door, New Hampshire looks like a loss too and there’s no way I am going down with this leaky ship. So I’ll say something about race. Nobody will believe me, but everybody will pretend to and that will get me a job with a better campaign.”
She went on: “We all were routinely silenced and not given a meaningful chance on the campaign. Complaints, comments, advice and grievances were met with an earnest shake of the head and progressive buzzwords but not much else.”
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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The post Elizabeth Warren Gets Race Hustled By Her Own Campaign appeared first on The Political Insider.