‘I would vote for Biden even if he was dead’: PA Republican weighs in on possible Trump nomination

On Sunday, NBC “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker interviewed swing-state voters. Specifically, she spoke with a handful of voters from Pennsylvania about their thoughts on a very likely 2024 presidential rematch between President Joe Biden and four-time indictee Donald Trump.

In a video clip tweeted by Tennessee Election Commissioner Chris D. Jackson, Welker asks if any of these voters would consider staying “at home on Election Day?” One older gentleman quickly says, “No,” explaining, “I love American democracy too much that Biden and Trump, if it's a Biden-and-Trump race, then I would vote for Biden even if he was dead,” adding, “And I’m a Republican.”

Now if this man (or most other Republican voters) could only get his political party to listen to him.

RELATED STORY: Pennsylvania focus groups give glimpse of widening gap between GOP and voters

Denounce the baseless impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.