EXPLAINER: Why impeachment evidence tested TV’s standards

NEW YORK (AP) - All the words abounded - the ones that you're not supposed to hear on broadcast television or, for that matter, in a lot of other places.

Former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial last week featured explicit language rarely heard on American airwaves, particularly during a dramatic ...

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A multimedia impeachment trial: Video takes center stage

NEW YORK (AP) - After unexpected video appearances by Madonna and Johnny Depp, all that seems missing from former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial is someone trying out a new dance routine.

Trump's lawyers fully embraced a TikTok defense on Friday, using manipulated video and relying on rapid-fire, repetitive imagery ...

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Fox abruptly cuts off impeachment manager during testimony

NEW YORK (AP) - Fox News Channel cut off an impeachment manager in mid-sentence Wednesday as he was presenting dramatic video footage of the mob attacking the U.S. Capitol last month and government leaders running for safety.

“The political math doesn't add up,” Fox's Jesse Watters said. “Democrats don't have ...

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Impeachment trial goes blue, forcing network language calls

NEW YORK (AP) - During a gripping 13 minutes at the start of Donald Trump's second impeachment trial Tuesday, television's biggest networks aired footage of the U.S. Capitol siege with unusually explicit language.

The tape, compiled from several sources by the House impeachment managers, offered a chronological view of the ...

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The Hill criticizes, but does not recant, Solomon articles

NEW YORK (AP) - The Washington publication The Hill issued a lengthy report on Wednesday finding fault with several articles by journalist John Solomon that it published last year and were used as discredited narratives by President Donald Trump and many of his supporters in their fight against impeachment.

The ...

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Broadcasters stick with Trump during acquittal victory talk

NEW YORK (AP) - After President Donald Trump spoke live for more than an hour Thursday about his impeachment acquittal, one television network anchor apologized to viewers for a presidential obscenity, while another said it was like watching someone on a therapist's couch.

Yet there's no indication that anyone in ...

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