Opinion: Trump is the root of why GOP will sacrifice Cheney for Stefanik

The dismaying events of recent days by the House GOP leadership to purge and cancel Rep. Liz Cheney has shined a bright light on former President Donald Trump's iron grip on the House GOP and its base voters. Loyalty to Trump trumps strict adherence to policy and ideological orthodoxy. In 2017, I had stated this simple fact -- that the GOP litmus test shifted from fidelity to conservative policy principles and ideals to loyalty to the man -- and little has changed since then. What remains so utterly gobsmacking is the GOP's doubling down on Trump loyalty after his two presidential defeats (including in the popular vote), two impeachments, the loss of the House and Senate and an insurrection brought on by his assault on the constitutional order.
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Opinion: It’s a win-win-win for Republicans — and Liz Cheney

Our political climate promotes -- almost demands -- a zero-sum mentality, where we assume every situation produces winners and losers. But on the news that House Republicans are preparing to dump their conference chair Rep. Liz Cheney (despite voting to keep her just three months ago after the second Trump impeachment), I am reminded of the old rule from Michael Scott in "The Office" on optimal conflict resolution: win-win-win.
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Utah GOP vote to censure Mitt Romney fails while senator is booed at convention

A resolution to censure GOP Sen. Mitt Romney for his two votes to convict former President Donald Trump failed Saturday at the Utah Republican Party organizing convention, where the senator had been booed earlier in the day -- a reflection of the anger that persists among the party's core activists about Trump's impeachment and Romney's frequent criticisms of him throughout his presidency.
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